Chapter 30: A Heart for a Heart

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So begins arc 4!

Just a little change, small to say the least...



Ariadne panted against the desk from the mind altering coupling, her heart soaring as he cupped his hand against her cheek so tenderly. The contrast from such intensity to so gentle touches was so thrilling, her belly flipping excitedly as he kissed her forehead gently.

"It's getting late, shall we head to bed?" Ominis asked softly against her skin.

"Yes." She said breathlessly. "You can hold me all night again." She smiled up to him, running her hand through his hair. He seemed to like that, given the way he closed his eyes every time she did it. Like he was savoring the touch.

"I'd love to." He said softly, bringing her other hand up to his mouth to kiss her palm sweetly. "I'll hold you for as long as you'll have me, Ari." He whispered against her hand.

"That's a very long time, then." She said back quietly, smiling softly at how gentle he was being.

He chuckled against her hand, smiling warmly as his eyes turned soft. Oh she did love it when he had that expression.

"Tomorrow you should play the piano for me." She said softly. "I'd love to hear you play."

"Of course." His smile widened. "Anything for my lovely wife."

She blushed softly at that, looking away bashfully. It was strange how they'd gotten together, getting married first and then finding each other later... but she did so love it when he said such sweet things to her.

She leaned up to kiss his cheek gently, brushing her fingers along his chest again. "Let's go to bed."

Ominis gave a little wicked smile. "Don't forget your undergarments or we may scandalize your poor sister."

Ariadne giggled at the thought. "I think Marie has already guessed what we're up to during our extended times alone." She said softly. "Especially because your hair is never the same afterwards."

"She has the patience of a saint, then. Let's go to bed." He agreed, holding her hand to help her hop down from the desk.

She blushed as she felt the mess between her legs, realizing she'd have to walk like this. "I think next time we should bring something to clean up with." She whispered in embarrassment.

She turned toward him when she heard a deep masculine sound escape him, that torn primal sound that sent shivers down her spine. His look was suddenly fierce and hungry as he reached out to run his hand along her neck.

"I rather like the thought of my seed dripping down your legs." He growled to her with a wicked smile.

She inhaled sharply, her face turning red as her heart raced. "Is that so?" She challenge softly.

"Carefully, little rabbit. Or I'll put you in my coils again. We're supposed to be heading to bed." He grinned, his hand trailing down from her neck to between her breasts, then to her belly in a way that made her tingle wildly.

"How the fuck are you this sexy?" She whispered, closing her eyes as she shuddered gently.

He only laughed softly at that, leaning forward to brush his lips against hers. "It comes naturally, I suppose."


The air of the bedroom felt different tonight, the somber atmosphere gone and replaced with that same electric charge that had been present before. Even despite just having been claimed she was eager to be in his arms again, to feel his strength surround her and secure her, knowing he would never hurt her.

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