Chapter 49: Deepening

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Both a little scared...

It had been a long time since he'd had that much fun. Ariadne seemed to bring out some part of him he'd never really felt before. Splashing in those puddles had been silly, but hearing the sounds of the splashes and feeling the water shift beneath his feet had been fun and playful.

You've never been able to be a child before. She'd said after Marie and Damien had left, standing in the rain as shed held his face tenderly in her hands. It's about time you let yourself feel joy just for the sake of it.

His heart skipped at the thought of that moment, when he'd nearly melted in the rain in her hands. She truly wanted him to be happy, to experience life's joys like he'd never been able to while young.

But she'd overdone it in the cold rain, her black dress offering little protection from the chill that sank into her. Silly woman, risking a cold for his sake. The last thing he wanted was for her to get sick.

Marie and Damien had certainly enjoyed themselves, if the way they behaved when they came back was any indication. Ariadne seemed to think there was something going on there... and he dearly hoped so, for both their sakes'. If Damien could find someone to love and be loved in return, and Marie could allow someone in her heart, then perhaps they could both start to truly heal.

They were back at the three broomsticks now, but there was no sign of Sebastian in sight. He must be out with the auror, still. He was a bit concerned, but Sebastian was cunning, he knew how to get out of a situation if he needed to. He had to trust him... and hope he didn't fuck this up somehow.

"I'm going to head in for the night." Marie said softly, heading down the hallway ahead of them toward her room.

"Alright. See you in the morning." Ominis said, admittedly a bit concerned with how quiet she suddenly was since they'd left Damien alone in Feldcroft.

He smiled as Ari took his hand and led him toward their room, unlocking the door and all but pushing him inside as he laughed softly, hearing it close behind them.

"Oh Merlin! Oh my- I can't believe it!" Ariadne said excitedly, hopping in front of him with the soft sounds of her feet against the floor. She was adorable.

"That Marie may get together with Damien?" He ventured the guess why she was so excited.

"Yes! Oh my oh my oh my-" Ariadne said quickly in excitement before jumping up against him, wrapping her arms around his shoulders affectionately.

He laughed again at how happy she was for her sister, smiling warmly and reaching his hand up to run his fingers along her cheek affectionately. "I'm excited for them too... but they both have a lot of work to do. We have to be patient, and give them space. We can't interfere."

"I know, I'm just so happy she's even trying!" Ariadne said happily,

"Me too." He said softly, kissing her cheek gently. "Now... don't think I forgot about your little stunt earlier." His voice turned darker.

His smile widened when he heard her heartbeat go wild, chuckling softly. "I even had to give you a wiggenweld so you wouldn't be sick." He leaned down to touch her chin, holding it gently in his palm. "You know what that means?"

"What?" She said breathlessly.

"You have to learn your lesson." He growled softly.

Ariadne shivered gently under his touch, her breath quickening. He did so love her reactions. He knew she was anxious with anticipation rather than fear, because she wasn't sure what he would do next. He liked to keep her on her toes.

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