Chapter 89: Yearning

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Another day with no owl, and he was starting to get more and more worried. Maybe he should just go to Feldcroft himself and check on her... but he didn't want to overstep things. After all, he had made her angry, and he wanted to mend what was left between them. That meant he had to tread lightly.

"Sebastian, the water is boiling over." Marie said in amusement from the doorway of the kitchen.

Sebastian looked down and swore softly when he saw she was right, quickly turning the burner off and using hot pads to take the pot of broth off the oven before letting out a weary sigh of frustration.

"You're still rather distracted, huh?" Marie asked, glancing down the hallway to see if anyone was near.

"That obvious?" Sebastian looked over to her in embarrassment.

"If you were sighing any more we'd have a breeze in the house." Marie smirked a bit.

He gave her a bit of a morose look and rolled his eyes, not appreciating the teasing right now. He was already having a hard enough time. "It's... not easy."

"Because you're yearning for someone instead of the reverse?" Marie tilted her head thoughtfully.

Sebastian grumbled unhappily. "You're so damn blunt."

"Because I have to be, with you. You're so damn thick headed." She smirked wryly.

"Yeah, I've heard that before." He mumbled. Plenty of times.

Marie's gaze softened a bit as she watched him, before she let out a soft breath of her own. "I... know it's not easy. I'm sorry. Maybe you should send her an owl? I don't think that would be overstepping anything."

Sebastian was surprised she was suddenly being so sincere, running a hand through his hair uneasily at the thought of breaking the lack of communication between him and Veela. "Yeah... and I had Ominis get something for her, too. After he got rid of that stupid grin he had." Sebastian grumbled. "He's way too amused by this."

"You have to admit Sebastian, it's a big change for you." Marie chuckled. "You've always had women chasing after you, so you've never had to be the one doing the chasing."

"It's frustrating." Sebastian sighed. "I don't even know what to do."

Marie smiled softly, tilting her head. "Just do what you can. It's all we can do sometimes."

He wasn't sure what she meant by that, watching her for a moment as she looked down toward the ground with her own look of unease. "Are... are you doing well with Damien?" He asked, hoping he wasn't prying too much. He and Marie weren't comfortable around each other yet, but... he wanted Damien to be happy, and it was clear he was absolutely smitten with her.

"It's... going. Slowly... which is probably for the best. We both have... a lot of issues to work through." Marie sighed anxiously, fiddling with her skirts in her anxiety.

"Damien is patient, he'll help you work through things. As for his... well, I don't think I helped that. Talking about corruption and curses for so long. I didn't know the wolf was something else, I feel a bit guilty about that, now."

"You didn't know about Ronan." Marie said, shaking her head. "But... yes he definitely has a huge fear of affecting others with his condition. I think too much so, but..." she shrugged helplessly.

Sebastian's brows went up in surprise. Too much so? "Marie... this may be a bit of an odd question, so feel free not to answer if you don't want to." He said thoughtfully.

Marie suddenly shifted anxiously, looking over to him with a hesitant look. "Okay...?"

"Would you be upset if he bit you?" Sebastian asked, curious to her answer.

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