Chapter 29: Found

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Today is a double basilisk day so I'll post the next one in a few hours!

Then somebody bends, unexpectedly...



Planning a trip was a lot more complicated than he thought. Reservations at the hotel, which was booked all this week and next because of a local festival in Hogsmeade. It was incredibly frustrating, considering he wanted to go as soon as possible.

He could hardly believe it was actually happening, though. He was going to see Sebastian and Damien! Finally! The whole last year of worrying about them would finally be solved, and he would know what happened. Why his friends had suddenly ignored him, or had gone silent. Surely they wouldn't have turned their backs on him... he didn't think Sebastian would do something like that. He was far too loyal. But then why? Why not message him at all?

He sighed in frustration at the unknown, his thoughts turning back to earlier today. He and Ariadne had spent long hours reading in the library. He'd held her in his arms, listening to her read with her soft voice, the gentle beating of her heart starting to race when the story grew exciting. He would cherish those moments, and hopefully there would be many more like them.

He set a hand against his chest as that deep warmth settled inside him again, chuckling softly at himself. He had gone to his study to plan out the trip while she was taking some time for herself, something that he found she required in order to be truly at ease. He was perfectly fine with that, the hot infatuation he'd had initially had turned into something much deeper, the heat coiling in his belly linked with the soft warmth he felt. It made it more potent than ever before, as if the affection he had for her was tinder to the flames.


He chuckled again, his cheeks flushed at how easy he was riled at just the thought of her. He was starting to have that hot craving for her again, the deep ache at the thought of touching her, pleasuring her, filling her.

A rough sound escaped him, running a hand through his hair to try and keep himself calm. She'd wanted to wait... and he was going to go at her pace. It was easier for him to express himself through touch, and he had the deep need to erase every memory of Marvolo from her mind. Replace it with memories of him pleasuring her, making her gasp and whimper beneath him as he held her down. Hearing those soft moans of his name as she panted.

Fuck, he was getting way too riled up. He adjusted himself in his pants when he was growing hard enough it became uncomfortable, growling softly. He walked over to the desk to sit down in the leather chair with a deep sigh, leaning against the wooden desk wearily. These things took time... and patience. But then, he'd never been a very patient man. This was for Ari, though. He would do anything to keep her happy, so he would let these embers smolder until she was ready.

A knock on the door sounded, and he let out a deep sound of frustration. Hopefully they wouldn't need anything right away, his predicament would be fairly obvious in these pants. With him sitting at the desk it was easy enough to hide, though.

"What is it?" He called out, his tone more gruff than intended.

"Someone sounds grumpy." Ariadne's voice sounded amused from the other side of the door.

He stood up quickly, his feet moving before he could even think, and before he realized what he was doing he had opened the door for her. "Ari." He said her name huskily, the thoughts of her going into overdrive now that she was in front of him.

She chuckled softly, and he heard her heartbeat pick up. He had a similar reaction, his own heart thrumming in his chest at the sound of her voice. He moved aside so she could come in, closing the door behind her for privacy.

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