Chapter 73: Pining

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(As we get to the next few days I just want you all to know that until July 5th my parents will be in town so I won't be able to update much at all. I promise I'm not abandoning anything, just spending time with family while they're here lol if I get any chapters out they'll likely be sparse)


I learned the truth too late...


Sebastian woke up to the sound of rain falling outside, sitting up and yawning drowsily. He always liked the sound of rain, it was somehow soothing-


"Shit-" he jumped out of bed and threw a shirt on, tugging his boots on while hopping on one foot while he ran to the bathroom to grab a towel. He darted past Marie and Damien on the couch, ignoring their confused looks as he ran out the door.

He ran through the rain over to the tree behind the house, raising his wand once he was close to Veela.

"Protego-" he cast, a large shield covering both of them, rain bouncing off the protective magic outside.

He sighed in relief and walked up to Veela to gently try and dry her off a bit, letting out a soft sigh as he finished before slumping to the ground with his back against the tree behind him.

He looked over to her frozen form and let out another long sigh, this time far more weary. What was he even doing? She hated him... but he couldn't seem to stop himself from wanting to care for her. He was such a damn moron. His head was filled with her, those deep blue eyes, her sunshine yellow hair, it was all he thought about.

He couldn't even sleep well the last few nights, knowing she was out here in the cold. He was so exhausted. He wasn't sure if she could get sick in the state she was in, but he didn't want to risk it.

"I truly am stupid, aren't I, a' ghrian?" He laughed bitterly. "It's like I can't do anything right." He sighed.

He glanced up to her, but she of course was silent. He wished he could hear those witty comebacks she'd started using toward the end. He did like her sense of sass and humor.

"I still wonder why you threw everything away for someone who obviously doesn't care for you." He said softly. Her father just wants an auror for a daughter, not caring what Veela herself thought or wanted. It was infuriating, because she had such spirit and talent in other ways.

He looked out into the rain and sighed deeply when Damien was approaching, looking off to the side in frustration. He really didn't want to talk right now, especially not when he was agonizing over a woman for once in his life. He'd broken his one rule for sleeping with a woman: no kissing. He hadn't even meant to. It had just... happened. It had felt damn good too, but...

He looked up at her again and let out a soft noise of pain.

"So... what are you doing out here in the rain?" Damien asked gently, glancing between him and Veela through the shield.

"What does it look like?" Sebastian growled back.

"It looks like you're keeping the rain off her." Damien said in a softer tone.

Sebastian didn't answer, just glaring over at him anxiously.

"Mind if I come in? I'm getting wet too." Damien motioned up.

"You're the one that came out here." Sebastian grumbled.

"To check on you." Damien crossed his arms. "I'm worried about you."

"I'll be fine." Sebastian said in a low tone.

"Bullshit." Damien scoffed. "You've never gone for someone like this before. Look at you, Sebastian."

Basilisk (Dark Ominis Gaunt x OC gothic romance)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang