Chapter 64: Pale Night

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Ariadne was amazed at how easily Ominis could summon and build, watching with wide eyes as he waved his wand and took apart the back of the hallway, walking forward as he summoned wooden blanks and build them up piece by piece with direction from Damien. He of course still needed direction where things needed to go, but it was clear that Damien was used to doing so from their school days.

After only a few hours their new addition was finished, and by that time the sun was set and it was starting to get late. Ominis started furnishing the rooms with the necessities as Marie stood with Ariadne in the kitchen.

"Are you doing okay?" Ariadne asked Marie gently.

"Yeah." Marie said softly. "I'm... okay. A bit scared, but okay."

Ariadne reached over and ran a hand along Marie's arm reassuringly. "You want to talk about it?"

Marie went silent for a moment as they listened to Damien giving Ominis directions, thumps occasionally falling to the ground as furniture was put into place.

"He's... very nice." Marie said softly, looking to Ariadne with a sheepish expression. "I told him about what happened."

"You did?" Ariadne said in shock. "How did he react?"

"He-" Marie looked in that direction with a soft blush. "He asked if he could touch me, and then he hugged me." She said softly.

Ariadne held back the wild giddy squeal she wanted to let out, settling for gripping the counter behind her with a white knuckle grip.

"He did?" She whispered excitedly.

Marie nodded gently, not looking at her, but her expression was soft. Oh Merlin, she'd never seen that expression on her sister since their school days!

"And how did it make you feel?" Ariadne asked, wanting to bounce with anticipation.

"It felt..." Marie looked down thoughtfully, "it felt good." She finished breathlessly. "I... I'm feeling really complex emotions around him, now. I hardly know how to feel. One minute I'm scared, another minute I'm-" she blushed deeper and glanced to Ariadne in embarrassment before looking away again.

"You're...?" Ari urged gently.

"Well, for some reason I find his growling kind of... um..." Marie hunched her shoulders as if trying to hide herself. "I haven't felt that in a long time, and... he has such a deep voice that um...

"You got turned on by his growling?" Ariadne whispered a bit loudly.

"Sssshhhh!" Marie said urgently, motioning for her to calm down. "He can't know! I don't... I'm not ready for anything like that yet."

"Marie, that's huge, though!" Ariadne took her hands with a bright smile. "You haven't felt that way in so long!"

"Well, he's just so... gentle, and patient... and they're both so charming in their own ways." Marie said softly.

"Both?" Ariadne's eyes went wide in shock.

"Well, yeah, they're kind of two halves of the same whole now, aren't they?" Marie looked to her thoughtfully.

Ariadne chuckled softly. "I'm sure Ronan would like hearing that."

Marie chuckled and nodded. "I'm nervous about the full moon.. it's only in two days, what will we do? I don't any them to be stuck in the cellar again, it sounds terrible."

"I had an idea about that, actually, but I need to talk to them about it first. They may not like it, but... it may be our best chance."

Marie looked at her in surprise. "What idea did you have?"

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