Chapter 5: Storm

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With a dreamy, far off look


Ominis was relieved to hear the familiar soft footsteps of Notch, though sat up in alarm when he heard him nearly lose balance.

After Notch closed the door behind him he sighed in relief and wondered what he had.

"Notch has found many things about the Drisa family, master." Notch said, grunting as he hoisted the stack of books up onto the table with a loud clatter of the teacup sitting nearby.

"It certainly sounds like it." Ominis said in amusement, leaning forward to touch what he'd brought and found a large stack of books. "Why so many books?"

"Arthur Drisa owns a publishing company, master Ominis. Notch brought some of the books he has published."

"A publishing company..." he whispered in fascination, taking one of the books and flipping through the pages. It smelled of old paper and leather. "What are the names?"

"Um..." Notch peered over the top of the table to read the spines of the books.

"Sense and Sensibility, Pride and Prejudice, The Count of Monte Cristo, Wuthering Heights and their newest is Treasure Island, master."

So many! But he hadn't read any of them. Reading was difficult for him.

"Notch brought the most popular titles Drisa publishing released. There are many many more but Notch could not carry them." The elf sighed, sounding tired.

"This is plenty Notch, thank you." Ominis said with a bit of amusement. He hadn't even expected this many books. "What else have you learned?

"The father's name is Arthur. The mother's name is Penelope. They have three daughters but no sons. The eldest is Athena, the middle is Selene, and Ariadne is the youngest."

Ominis blinked in shock. All Greek mythology names. How odd.

"Her two eldest sisters have already married wealthy men, she was the last to marry. When Notch spoke to other house elves, they said her parents were very unhappy with her."

"Why would they be so unhappy with her?" She seemed fine.

"The other elves tell Notch that she was not very good at lessons with her mother to be a lady, and often avoided them."

Ominis let out a small laugh of amusement. He could see that.

"They also tell Notch she had been very upset to be married off. The Gaunt family paid the Drisa family many galleons for her hand."

Ominis frowned, thinking back to what she'd said. She'd been taught to be an obedient and quiet wife. Who she truly was, was nearly the opposite. She would sooner swear at him than obey him.

He really didn't like that his family had essentially bribed the Drisa family to marry their daughter off to him. But it made one thing clear, the Drisa family had benefited heavily from the marriage. Why would that be...? Why would they be so willing to sell their daughter off to the highest bidder? Or was there something else behind it?

Now that he had a better idea of her family, he had a better view of the situation. The Drisa had benefited, but Ariadne hadn't benefited directly. Perhaps she really wasn't here to work with his family, and in fact was just as trapped as he was.

He thought back to the wavering sound of her voice as she said she didn't want to be here, and wiped a hand over his face with a deep sigh.

"Is master pleased with what Notch found for him?" Notch asked anxiously.

Basilisk (Dark Ominis Gaunt x OC gothic romance)Where stories live. Discover now