Darkness will show the light

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Noah's POV
"Noah? "I felt a gently tap on my shoulder before blinking a few times to wake myself up. "Hey, how's he doing? " I slowly stand up in pure exhaustion as William looked heartbroken.
"I'm so sorry, I'm trying but he's not coming through. I'm gonna go back and try again, but I- I grab his shoulders and start crying. "I can't lose another kid, Will... please keep trying, please I can't- I choke on my tears as he nods, trying to hold his tears back. "I know, do you want to come down? " he whispered before turning his back to me. He's really upset too, I see it all over his face.
"Ok" I quickly run down the hallway with him and into the emergency room. "Sandy, I need a pair of scrubs." He says to another nurse as he runs to get me some scrubs. "Christie, stop! It's not enough." I watched as Will quickly turns up the oxygen and gently starts CPR on my son.

"Here man" The nurse says handing me a pair of scrubs. "WHERE'S THE DOCTOR? GET HIM HURRY" William yells as Sandy quickly suits me up.
"Mask and gloves here " he quickly helps me get them on before running to the baby. "F*CK! Come on!' I run to will's side as the machine above showed no pulse. "No, no no" He mumbles as I covered my face. "Come on!" He was trying so hard to keep my son, but it looks like things are going downhill again. "Will?" I cry and he was still trying CPR. "Come on! Come on" he looked so sad as the devastating results were coming to reality. "Will" I gently grab his shoulder as he slowly stops his actions. "Will, he's gone." I whispered as tears stream down my eyes. "Ugh, I'm so sorry, Noah" he whispered in complete disappointment as everyone removes their masks. "Disconnect, the surgery's over." I watched will remove his mask as tears ran down his face. He really believed and gave it his best, but our best wasn't good enough.

I tossed my mask and gloves in the garbage before taking my scrubs off.
I just lost another baby and I don't know how I'm gonna handle this.

"Noah, I'm so sorry " Will cries before leaving the room. I bite my lip as my soaked face was burning in pure sadness. Now I've gotta tell Eleanor since Phil never showed up.

I slowly walked to the door with my blurry vision and began to walk down the hallway, when Will called my name. "Noah?" He jogs to me with tears down his face. "Noah, I'm so so sorry." I nod and press my lips together. "It's not your fault. I know you did your best." I whispered as he shakes his head. "I totally failed you man. God, Noah I'm so sorry." I pull him into a tight hig as he wraps his arms around my shoulders. "I'm so sorry, Noah " we both take a deep breath in before pulling away.
"You have nothing to be sorry for, I still owe you.... you saved my wife and helped my son." He still felt horrible. "Noah, I don't expect anything from you. I feel horrible for you., this is the third child you lost. I'm so sorry." I pat his shoulder as tears ran down our faces. "No, thank you for everything. I made a promise to you, I'm keeping it." "Noah, you're a great person." We hug once more.
"Well, I'll see you around Will, thank you again." "God bless you, Noah " we then walked the opposite direction.

I make my way down to Eleanor and Sebastian in pure devastation. Ellie already looked heartbroken, she knew what was to come. She stands to her feet as I slowly approached her.

"He didn't make it " I mumbled as she starts crying and runs into my chest.
She was just crying into my chest as I held her against me tightly. "I can't do this right now." She slowly pulls away from me and runs outside.
"Daddy? What happened" Sebastian asked as I fall to my knees and start crying hard. "Daddy, it's ok" I felt Sebastian wrap his unijured arm around my shoulder as I hug him.
"Buddy, I'm so sorry " I cried as he just stares at me. "Daddy" I take a deep breath in and slowly stand up with Sebastian in my arms.

"Daddy, I love you. It's ok" I wiped my eyes again as I step outside. As soon as I stepped outside, I was blinded with flashing of cameras and paparazzis screaming questions at me. "NOAH? WHAT HAPPENED? IS THE RUMOR TRUE? WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR ARM? NOAH? " I covered my face with my right hand and quickly walked to my car, which Eleanor was already sitting in.

I quickly put Sebastian in the back as the paparazzis followed me. "NOAH? ARE YOU FEELING BETTER? " I ignore them and get in the driver's seat and start the car. As I was about to pull out, they go in front of my car. "THIS IS WHAT I F*CKING HATE NOAH!" Eleanor screamed as I quickly put the car in reverse and back up.....


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