The accident

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Eleanor's POV
"I didn't mean to honey, but your daddy gets upset and will do things that will hurt him. I love Daddy just as much as you do, I just need a little break. Does that make sense sweetie?"
Sebastian nods as I turned left.

We were talking about Noah, I guess Sebastian saw the whole thing and asked me why I slapped him. It was pretty impulsive, but he sometimes needs to be put back in his place. I loved Noah, more than he could ever imagine, but if he keeps this up, and continues to ruin our lives, I'm leaving. I'm gonna give him one more change since he kept his cool and was literally on his knees begging me to stay.

"What's derpsion? Mommy" Sebastian asked as I looked at him through the mirror. "Depression, is when you're very sad honey. Then there's something call suicide. Suicide is when you kill yourself, basically you die but your the one who made it happen. Your dad has tried to commit suicide many times, and that's why I'm so upset with him." Sebastian looked really sad now. "Does Daddy wanna die?" I came to a red light so I turned to face him. "Not right now, he has medicine that's helping him, but he has before sweetie and you and I need to help him through it ok?"
"Is Daddy sick?" The light was green now, so I pull forward. "He has been-
That's when a loud impact hit my side of the door, then everything went black.....

Noah's POV
I was halfway through writing this song when I decided to go downstairs and eat something. I went to our fridge and grabbed a sandwich that Ellie had made a few days ago and started eating. As I was leaning on the counter looking at my phone, something told me to call Eleanor.

I dialed her number and waited for her to pick up. RING RING RING RING RING Finally someone picks up the phone. "Daddy, daddy mommy won't wake up!" Sebastian was the one who answered the phone. "Buddy are you ok? What happened." I already was going to put my jacket on. "Daddy she's bleeding " he cries as I tossed the sandwich to Spencer and grab my keys. "Ok buddy I'm coming! Do you know where you are?" I slammed the door shut and run to the garage to get my car. "McDonald? Daddy I'm scared!" He says in a panic as I put the code in. "Ok, buddy stay on the phone with me ok? Did you get into a accident." I quickly get in the car and start it up. "My arm hurts, but daddy Mommy's head is bleeding." He says as I speed out of our driveway. "Ok, is she breathing? Can you see if she's breathing." I asked quickly as I drove through a red light. "Daddy I can't tell." He cries. "Sebastian, buddy I need you to unzip her jacket and try to see for me. buddy I'm going as fast as I can" I said as I quickly turn left, making people beep at me. "Daddy, I can't reach her." I squeezed the steering wheel as I was going a hundred miles now. "Daddy, hurry!"
"Awe f*ck, no no no!" I knew as soon as I turned down the closed off intersection that the car slightly tipped was the car with my family. "Buddy I see you, hold on" I felt my eyes start to water as I jumped out of my car and ran towards the car. "Sir the police are their way!' A woman yelled at me as two civilians pull me back. "MY KID IS IN THERE!" I yelled as I shove them off me and run down to the smashed up car. "Sebastian, hey hey it's Okay!" I said as he was crying, sitting at the floor of the car. "Daddy, help me" he was shaking in fear while reaching out for my hand. "It's ok, come on buddy." I reached as far in as I could since the car was tipped on an angle. "Daddy!" "Sebastian, you gotta come to me buddy, it's Okay." I then smelled fuel leaking somewhere underneath the car. "Sebastian, I'm sorry " I could tell his arm was broken by the way it was twisted to the side.
I need to not only get him out, but I have to get Eleanor out too. I haven't even seen her yet, I just see her Brunette hair. As soon as I reached Sebastian's hand, I pulled him up out of the car window. "Daddy!" He buries his head into my neck as I held him tightly. "You're gonna be ok, buddy I'm so sorry." I kissed his head before setting him down on his feet. "Buddy just stay right there, I gotta get your mom." He nods in fear as I run to Eleanor's side. As I made it to her side, I saw a ton of fuel pooling up under the car, a significantly larger amount than a minute ago.
"DUDE THAT THINGS GOING CATCH FIRE ANY MINUTE!" A man yells from a distance as I pick up a rock and throw it through the car window. "MY WIFE IS IN HERE." I yelled back before unlocking the passenger side door.
"Eleanor? Baby " I called while climbing inside the car. My weight made it tip even more. "DADDY HURRY" Sebastian yells as I make it to Ellie's side. "Baby, hey hey Ellie? " I whispered while gently turning her face towards me. "Eleanor? " a tear fell from my face and onto her jacket as I saw blood flowing down her nose and even her left eye had dried blood around it. "Baby " I mumbled as I cry harder. "MAN IT'S GONNA BLOW" Another civilian yelled. "Baby give me a sign" I then look down at her door and saw a pipe that went through the door.
"F*ck" I whispered as I lift her jacket up to see how far it went. It was much worse than I thought, the pipe punctured through her stomach. It had to be at least five inches deep. "Oh sh*t" my hands were shaking as I heard something pop in the back.
"FIRE THERE'S A FIRE!" I looked in the back and saw how a fire had just started. "Awe f*ck!" I whispered as I quickly unbeckle Ellie's seatbelt.
"Sh*t sh*t sh*t!" I grab her right arm and gently pull her, but the pipe is still in her stomach. "COME ON"
I pull harder but she doesn't move a inch. I heard sirens which was a blessing, but it's a curse if I don't get her out of here in time.

I look to the backseat and see how the fire is three feet away from us. "COME ON F*CK!" I have no choice but to rip her out of the car. "I'm so sorry baby " I yank her towards me and quickly drag her to the passenger seat and out of the car. "SEBASTIAN RUN" I yelled quickly picking up Eleanor and walking as fast as I could to the red lights. That's when I saw a trail of blood following behind me. When I looked down at Eleanor, I saw how all this blood was spewing out of her stomach from the pipe I just ripped out of her. "F*ck f*ck f*ck!" I gently set her down on the pavement and take my jacket off. I need to stop this bleeding or she's gonna die, I hope she hasn't yet. "SEBASTIAN " I quickly run up and quickly shield him as the car exploded into black flames. "THE FD IS COMING " another woman screamed as Sebastian and I started coughing. "BUDDY G- I start coughing while pressing down on Eleanor's wound.
"Car, go to- Down there " I point to my car in the distance as he quickly nods and starts running. "Sir please back up" I looked up and saw a group of paramedics with a stretcher running to us. "Is this your wife?" One man with strawberry blonde hair asked.
"Yes, please hurry " he nods "You can ride on the truck or drive, whatever you'd like. " he says calmly as his coworkers load Eleanor up. "I have my son in my car. I'll be right behind you." He nods "sounds good, we'll see you there." We nodded and both ran to our vehicles.

God please save my wife....

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