Drag my heart

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Noah's POV
"What the f*ck does she want from me? I'm trying to help her! " I said as the guys and I were drinking some beers in the kitchen. "Yeah, that's sh*tty " Nick says as Folio was playing with Sebastian. "I thought you guys were going to therapy?" Jolly says as I finished my second beer. "We were, but not together. We have separate therapists." He nods as I grabbed another beer from the fridge. "I don't f*cking know." I shrugged. "Why is she mad at you? You were trying to comfort her" Nick asked as Folio carries Sebastian into the kitchen. "Did you get slapped? " he asked as our attention goes to him. "Yep"
I nod as he gives Sebastian a cookie.
"He hit you?" Jolly points to Sebastian,
"No Eleanor did" Nick rolls his eyes.
"I deserved it when I did this" I point to my arm. "But she just... loses it on me."  Folio grabs the ice cream and sits beside us. "Damn, man I'm sorry to hear that " he says as I nod. "I'm gonna shower real quick."  They say a quick "okay " as I head down stairs.

I stepped inside the shower and let the warm water run down my body and soak up my hair. As I stood there staring at the ceiling , I thought of what I could do better on?

I know I've made things hard, but I'm trying so hard to keep her. She knew that fame was everything in my life, and it will forever be.

Eleanor's a beautiful woman, but she's too hard on herself and now she's harsh with me. I love her so much and that's why I'm willing to stay.

A few minutes later I got out of the shower. I put some shorts and a tank top on before going downstairs.

As I get down, I see all the guys sitting on the couch with Sebastian watching some pokemon show. "You guys got more beer?" I asked scratching my head. "Dude you drank the entire load, go buy some." Jolly laughs as I walked to the kitchen. "I'm not sober enough to go get some." I mumbled before going in the fridge. As I was looking for some food in the fridge, my phone rang.

It was Eleanor, so I quickly answered.
"Hey you Okay? " I asked in a panic.
"Noah, I'm fine but can you come over to talk? I think I have an idea." I scratch my neck before responding.
"Ugh, babe I'm a little drunk... I can get an uber and meet- "Why are you drinking! " she yells as I walked upstairs to my old bedroom. "I'm with the guys it's ok, I'm staying home." She sounded like she was already regretting this call. "Are you f*cking stupid? Phil said to take it easy! And you wonder why I can't stand being around you! " I sat on my bed and lyed down. "Baby, it's just a couple beers don't worry. How Are you feeling? " I asked quietly.
"I was better before I called you. Tell Folio to watch Sebastian and take your stupid *SS to bed!" She then hung up. "At least I'm staying home " I mumbled before going back downstairs. "Hey Folio, when you're done can you put him on my couch in my room?" Folio nods as I waved and said Goodnight to everyone.

I woke up an hour ago to go check on Eleanor. She was pissed with me last night, so I wanna talk to her.
"Are you sure guys? I can take him with me." I point to the door. "Yeah, it's all good we're gonna go see that movie." Nick says as I put my jacket on. "Alright, thanks guys. Bye buddy" I waved as they walked to their cars and I go to mine.

The guys are watching Sebastian so I can go talk Eleanor. This hopefully will go well?

Fifteen minutes later I pull into our driveway. I did buy some flowers for Eleanor on my way here, just to hopefully help her feel better. I lock the car and walk up to the front door.
I unlock it with my key and called for Eleanor as I stepped inside. "ELEANOR? I'M BACK." No response, so I walk upstairs to our room.

Once I opened the door I saw her watching Friends with a blanket and Spencer by her side. "What do you want? "She questions as I lick my lips and slowly approach her. "To see you, how are you?" I asked sitting in front of her on the bed. "Here, these are for you." I try to hand her the Roses I just bought, but she doesn't take them.
"Ok, well their here if you want them." I just set them beside her before we make eye contact again.
"Why are you here? Cause I obviously can't f*ck you right now." 
"To see you, I just wanted to see you." I whispered reaching for her hand.
"Don't just don't touch me." I take a deep breath in before playing with my fingers.

This was awkward

"Noah, when are you gonna change? "
"Change what?" I asked confused.
"Look at you! You're freakin insane.
You have seventeen stitches down your arm, a large prescription of your crazy meds, and a hundred scars down your arm. It's not my fault that you were abused, so was I and I'm not acting like a f*cking psychopath. "
"No, it is not the same, Eleanor.
All you had to worry about was a angry father, which is bad too but your story and mine.... totally different. Did you worry about being beat to death, did you ever get assaulted at school, did you ever lose both your parents, have ever had to fight someone off you cause they were gonna hurt you and assault you in the bathroom? You don't know what I've been through.... I have good reason as to why. None of that trauma is my fault." She just stared at the floor as I stood up. "I know I'm difficult sometimes, but I love you so f*cking much that I'll wait for you. I'm the reason you didn't die yesterday, and someone above..... I didn't think you'd have anything to say now." I shrug before standing up. "Why? Why'd you save me." I turn to her in annoyance before saying, "I love you so much, that's why. You clearly don't care about me anymore. "  "you're such a crybaby." She rolls her eyes as the TV goes to commercials. "Your being a real b*tch, I'm f*cking trying! WHAT DO YOU WANT, ELEANOR? "
"F*ck off!"  I go into the bathroom and turn the bathtub on. "Maybe it's time you get some medication "
I said grabbing her hand. "Get out, no!" She slaps my hand as I gently pull her out of bed. "I already took a bath, leave me alone. " I ignore her and remove her robe. Her body was skinny, pale, bruised, and covered in stitches. "Nope it's not good enough for you anymore right?" She thought by the way I was staring at her. "Just get in the tub." I mumbled while removing my t shirt. "I don't want you around me right now." She says climbing into the warm waters. "I treat you well, Eleanor." I now was sliding my pants off as I then remove my boxers. I climb in behind her and help her sit down with her back against my chest in the warm water.
"Relax" I whispered in her ear as she refused to hold my hand. "I'm not gonna drown you." She kinda laughed before lying her head down on my shoulder. "Did you just come to see me naked?" I gently run my fingers in circles on her thigh as she spoke.
"No, I just wanted to see you. "
"I don't believe you, but if you say so"
I roll my eyes and slowly slide my finger in between her legs. "Get your hand away from me." She says sternly as I pause my actions. "Oh you chill out " I said as my knees were pressed against her sides. "Relax, you know want this angel." She just sits there as my hand goes further. "Am I wrong? "
"Noah, I can feel you against my freaking back. You want this"
"I said I wanted to see you not necessarily naked.  " she tenses up as I slowly kiss her shoulder and tease her. .......

"You should tour again, you seem happiest there" I looked up at her from our dinner table and shrug. "It's not as easy as it looks though." She nods as we were eating dinner together.
"Ugh, Jolly asked if we were going to therapy together? "  "what'd you say?"
"The truth, we have separate therapists."  "Maybe we should try one together? "I ask as she slowly chews her pasta. "I don't know if it's worth it. " I once again was surprised.
"You're scared"  "so are you! " I shake my head and stand up to put my plate away. "I think we have more to discuss, but I need to go back home now." She licks her lips as I put my jacket on.
"Fine. I'll call you later " I nod and said "have a good night, Eleanor" before closing the door and going back to my car.....

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