Now look where we are

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Eleanor's POV
"Are you f*cking serious!" I punched the steering wheel as I saw how I had left my keys upstairs. Now I have to go back inside and see my husband who's probably on suicide watch.

I just lock the doors and leave Sebastian in the car, I'm not gonna be long and it's cooler outside.

I walked up to the door and unlocked it before kicking the snow off my shoes and stepping inside. I shut the door and walked upstairs to our bedroom. It was so quiet in the house, which made me shiver. Was he playing games to worry me? I rolled my eyes and grabbed my keys off the nightstand before shutting our door.
As I walked towards the stairs, I called for Noah. "Noah?" I looked in Sebastian's room, but he wasn't there or in the bathroom so I had downstairs. "Noah? This isn't funny " I seriously think he's screwing with me? "NOAH?" I saw he wasn't in the kitchen or living room, that just leaves the basement.

I quickly opened the door and saw the lights on, he must be down here.
"Noah? Where are you " I quickly head down the stairs and saw him squeezing his arm and crying. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING? " I asked at the disturbing sight of him. "Please go, Eleanor get out." He cried as his hair stuck to his forehead. "Noah, what did you ?"my eyes start to water as I jog over to him. "Eleanor leave, I'm so sorry " he cries as I wrap him in my arms now crying. "Why would you do this? Baby why did you do this?" " I questioned as my face was pouring of tears. "I hate myself, Eleanor I f*cking hate myself!" He cried loudly as I rock him back and forth. "Well I love you!
Okay, Noah! I love with all my heart, stop trying to run away... I love when I wake up to see you're beautiful face, I love having you in my life. Noah why?" He was shaking as his warm blood drips down my jacket. "I'm so f*cking sorry, I'm so sorry!" I've never seen him cry this hard, he really must've felt horrible.

Let me see" I said reach for his arm.
"No, it hurts!" He almost yelled as I hold onto his free hand that was shaking like crazy, before looking at his arm. "I hate myself! Eleanor just leave." His arm looked horrible, he definitely needed stitches. "Noah" I cried as his destroyed flesh exposed what he had just done to himself.
"We're going to the hospital " I said standing up and trying to get him up with me. "No Eleanor no" I was so disturbed by the sight of him, I wasn't angry anymore, I was shattered just like his computer screen. "BABY GET UP" I screamed as he shakes his head.
"NO! I CAN'T NO ELEANOR NO" he was having a mental breakdown, and I don't know how to handle it. "NOAH GET UP" I start to pull his uninjured hand and he whines. "NO, I'M NOT GOING!" I let his hand go and cup his sweating face. "LOOK AT ME! WE ARE GOING. REMEMBER WHEN YOU MADE ME GO? NOW I'M MAKING YOU. NOAH GET UP PLEASE " I cried as he still shakes his head. "NO! ELEANOR NO" I slap him again as his face jerks to the left from the impact.
"GET UP BABY, NOW!" he looks at me and continues to cry. "Come on!" I grab his hand again and he shakes his head. "GET THE F*CK UP" I yank his arm but he didn't move much.
"F*CKING LEAVE ME ALONE! " he screams as I slap him again, really hard this time. He stays quiet and looks at me with shaky lips. "I love you. Get the f*ck up and help us get through this" I said sternly as he still cries. "I don't know how" he mumbled as his breathing was in a panic. "Take my hand, it's gonna be alright." His shaking fingers reach for mine as he uses all his strength to stand up. "I can't stand up" he cries leaning into me mostly. "Noah, we're almost there, baby work with me." I said as we take two steps up. As we reach the third, Noah trips. "I CAN'T DO IT!" He starts crying again as I pull him back up.
"YES YOU CAN, COME ON NOAH" I literally have to yank him up with me as we get past two more steps. Five more to go. "Come on, Noah. We're almost there." I whispered as we finally reach the last step.

"Eleanor, I'm gonna puke " he says in worry as we step onto the carpet.
"Ok, it's ok. Go ahead, I'm getting your- he fell to his knees and puked all over the living room floor. I grabbed his long jacket and a towel before running back to him. "Noah, come on" I whispered while quickly cleaning his face off and throwing his jacket on. "I can't go!" He says as more tears fall down his overheated face.
"Baby hurry!" I said pulling him towards the door. Right as I pulled the door open, I see a blue centra pulling in the driveway. Noah stands beside me on the front step now as I yank the door shut and pull out my car keys.

"ELEANOR! WHAT HAPPENED? " it was Phil who just pulled up. God has definitely got his hand on our shoulders.

"PHIL, PHIL THANK GOD HURRY!" I screamed as he cautiously runs to us in the snow. "Hey, what happened? " he questions as Noah was shivering violently. "He sliced himself again."
"I got him, go start your car dear." Phil nods at me before taking Noah into his arms.

I jogged down to our car and quickly started it. "Mommy? " Sebastian calls as I quickly ran out of the car, back to Phil. "He won't fit in mine." Phil says as we guide Noah to our jeep. "Phil, thank you " he nods as we reached the passenger side door. "No, I don't want to go!" Noah starts freaking out again.
"Noah, get in the car now. You have minutes !" He almost yelled as we force Noah to sit down. "Ok, follow behind me. We need to hurry, Eleanor he has minutes before he flatlines." Phil said quickly as we quickly get in our cars.

I slam my door shut and pull forward to wait for Phil to back out. "Noah, focus baby!" I yelled as he was shaking. "GOD I CAN'T ELEANOR" he puts his hands in a fist and buries his face into his lap. "NOAH, FOCUS LISTEN TO ME. " I yelled as Phil quickly pulls out and starts driving. I follow close behind him as we start to head to the closet hospital.

As we get on the main road, Noah passes out. "Noah! NOAH? F*CK OH GOD NOAH!?" ...

Kingdom of cards chpt 3 N.S. Bad Omens story Where stories live. Discover now