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Noah's POV
I woke up to straps around my wrists, waist, legs, and even my forehead. What the f*ck is going on? My head was burning as my arms tighten around the straps. I'm literally gonna lose it if they don't let me out of here. As I tried to pull my arm out, a light turned on. "ELEANOR? ELLIE PLEASE HELP ME!" I yelled as the white room door opened, revealing Phil with a clipboard. "She's not here right now, she doesn't even know where you are yet." He says calming as he pulls open a cabinet. "Where is she?" I questioned breathless. "I don't know, but you're not seeing her till next week. "YOU CAN'T F*CKING DO THAT TO ME!" I screamed as he fills up another needle. "I unfortunately can and I will. Noah, you have serious mental illnesses and it's making this much worse for you and your family.
Try to stay calm." He says now putting gloves on. "LET ME OUT! PHIL I CAN'T BE IN HERE." he just looks at me before kneeling beside me. "For your own sake, I'm keeping you in here." I start yanking on the straps, but nothing would move. "LET ME OUT" I screamed as he quickly turns the chair towards him. "Drink this" he unlocks the straps around my forehead so I can drink. As he brings the cup to me, I headbutted him and spit out some blood in my mouth. "ELEANOR? ELEANOR" I called as Phil stands up and stabs a needle into my neck. That's all that I saw after my eyes rolled to the back of my head.

"Noah? Hey wake up" I slowly blinked when I saw multiple unrecognizable faces above me. A bright light was above me as I felt extremely hot and uncomfortable. "Noah, we need you to stay calm ok? I have some of my coworkers here and we want to help you." I felt my ankles and wrists were the only things cuffed now and I was lying on my back. "Eleanor " I whispered with such little energy.
"I need you to keep this in your mouth so you don't further injure yourself." I can barely said anything, I'm scared and very weak at the moment. Phil tilts my head back and puts something in between my teeth before the lights go down and I feel the worst pain in my life.

My eyes shoot open as the electric burn flows throughout my entire body. "AGAIN " I hear Phil yell as I bite down on the object between my teeth.
"UUUUUGGHHH" I screamed as they removed the electrically shock from my chest. "Noah, can you see me?" Phil questioned as I was shaking, I'm f*cking terrified now. "Noah, speak to me." I lyed there motionless and in complete shock. "Get his wife here. I need a wet towel and get some antibiotics in here." He orders as everyone except him leaves the room.
"I'm so sorry to put you through that, Noah. Your having severe panic attacks, outbursts, and mentally you're... honestly a wreck. I don't know all that happened to you, Noah but it's f*cking with your head. We're gonna help you. Your wife will be here soon." He says calmly as I just stared at the ceiling above me.

"Here doctor, I'm gonna call his wife" a nurse said before leaving the room.
"This will numb you but- he stops speaking when he looks at his clipboard. "Sh*t I can't give you anything else. You have too many liquids in your system. If I add more your body won't process it and you could have a heart attack." I closed my eyes and just picture Eleanor right here beside me, God please bring me my angel.....

Eleanor's POV
"I'm sorry, Folio. Thank you for even listening." I cried as Folio stands in the kitchen with me talking about Noah. (Yes, Folio was a sweetheart and flew all the way from Maryland to Virginia just to check on us. I forgot to tell him I found Noah and nothing happened) "I'm so sorry, Eleanor.
I know you're trying, he is too. I know it doesn't feel like it, but he'd do anything for you. He literally has told me how much he loves your teeth."
I started cracking up, which was very well needed right now. "What!"
"Yeah, he's like "she's got these gorgeous teeth and her smiles is so damn" I'm gonna stop there cause he was using more specific words to be exact. He really adores you though." I smiled before hugging Folio again.
"Folio, I freaking love you." He giggles as we slowly pulled away. "Do you want- that's when my phone rang. I grabbed it off the side of the counter and quickly answer it.


"Eleanor Davis?" A woman spoke
"Yes?" I almost questioned. "Hi, dr. Phil asked if you'd please get to the hospital now. Your husband just had to be shocked and is cautious, other than that I can't say anything else." I covered my mouth as Folio's eyes went wide. "Is he ok?" I asked shakily.
"Mrs. Davis I can not say. Please be here soon." "Ok" I then hung up.

"Is he alright? " Folio asked following me upstairs to Sebastian's room.
"They won't tell me. Sebastian, baby come on" I whispered while pulling him out of bed. "I got em" Folio sweetly takes his sleeping body for me as we head downstairs. "Folio, thank you so much" I said putting my jacket on. "Not a problem at all " his sweet smile showing as I take Sebastian so he can get his jacket and my baby's on. "Ok, let's go" he nods while taking Sebastian back as I locked the front door. "Yours or mine?" I asked as Folio points to his truck. "It'll do better in the snow " I nod as we quickly jump inside. I take Sebastian in my lap as Folio starts up his truck. "I'm gonna try and get there as fast as I can" I nod as Folio slowly backs out of our driveway......

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