She didn't mean to

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Noah's POV
I drunkenly walked side by side with Shayla into a hotel room, it was dark and very quiet. "Already big guy, let's get you into bed." She says quietly while turning on the lights and helping me stay balanced. "I'm gonna be sick" I mumbled looking with my blurred vision for the bathroom.
"Ok it's Okay, the bathroom is right here" she says while quickly walking me to to the toilet. I fell to me knees and got sick right there. When I was done, Shayla wiped my mouth as I sat against the sink cabinets. "Ugh, I'm sorry for dragging you into this." I mumbled as she rubbed my cheek.
"Noah, it's Okay... I wanna help you "
That's when my phone buzzed.
I slowly pulled it out with the help of Shayla and asked her to read the caller ID. "Eleanor. She's your wife right?" She asked in a sad manner.
"Yep, can you tell her I can't talk right now? " I asked as Shayla nods and answers the phone.

"Eleanor? " she asked sitting right in front of me, putting her on speakerphone. "Yes, who's this? " Ellie asked sounding worried. "I'm Shayla, I have Noah here with me. He's ok, just drank a bit much.  I have him at the Hilton." She explains as Eleanor said thank God. "Can you please have him call me when he's ready? The story is so f*cked up and it was a huge mistake... please tell him I'm so so sorry and I love him so much. Please?" Shayla looked at me before replying to Eleanor. "I will, we can meet you tomorrow morning Okay? "
"Okay, thank you Shayla" and with that they hung up.

"She's so sorry, Noah. I don't know what happened but she cares about you and you guys have a little boy, don't give up without knowing the real story Okay?" I felt a tear fall from my face as I stared at Shayla. "I don't know how much more we can fight through, it's been so hard." I whispered as Shayla pulls me into a tight hug. "You're Noah Sebastian, a f*cking king on stage... so be a f*cking king in your kingdom too." I nodded into her neck as she slowly helps me stand up. "Let's get you in bed Okay? " she whispered while walking me to the bed. I clasped onto the bed from exhaustion as she pulled the blankets over me. "I'll stay the night, but I can't sleep with you after that call... I believe you two can work this out." Shayla kisses my forehead before turning the lights off. "Goodnight, Noah " was the last thing I remember her saying before I fell asleep.

"There he is!" Shayla smiles as I see Eleanor walking in with her. "He's probably got a migraine so, yeah... I'll let you two talk" she smiles at Eleanor before leaving to give us privacy.
I slowly sat up on my elbows as she came to sit on the side of the bed.
"Hey baby " she whispered as I just stared ar her. "Noah, I'm so sorry.
I went to an old friend's house and was just venting with him, that's when we started drinking. We didn't relize how much we drank until I woke up in his bed, and I feel horrible about it. I was drunk and should never have been there, I'm so sorry " I sit up so I'm now a few inches from her face. "You betrayed me Eleanor...
Do you know how hard that hit me? You broke my heart. " I said as she starts crying. "I know, Noah. I'm so sorry " she cries as I stand up in front of her. "Noah? How can I make you forgive me" she asked looking up at me. "Be the way we were before, let me see my son and teach him how to be a man, go on dates and have fun together again, and no drinking alone with men again Okay? " I asked as she nods. "Noah, I'm so sorry " I knelt down and pulled her against me. Her presents always made me feel better. "I love you so much, Noah " I kissed her forehead as we pulled away. "I love you too... now let's get back to our son" I smiled as we walked hand in hand together out of the hotel.
In the hallway was Shayla, I walked over to her and hugged her. "Shayla, thank you for everything " I smiled handing her $150 . "Awe Noah, I'm so happy you two are back. It was an honor to meet you guys. Come by the bar and say hi to me sometime okay?" she smiles as I pulled Ellie into my side.

"We will

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"We will... thank you " Ellie said as we waved and left the hotel....

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