All I care about is you

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Eleanor's POV
Right as we pulled up to the hospital, Noah wakes up. "Let me out! Eleanor please get me out of here!" He says as his eyes were so wide and his mind was racing like crazy. "Baby please calm down." I said calmly as tears were falling down my face.

Phil parks right in the front and runs inside the hospital to get assistance.
I quickly run to Noah's side as he was still shaking. "I can't go, Eleanor please don't make me go." He cried as I pulled him in a very tight hug.
"Noah, you're gonna be alright, ok?" I slowly pull away as he shakes his head again. "Noah, sweetie look at me." I cried as he slowly meets my gaze through his glossy eyes. "It's gonna be Okay." He barely nods as his eyes drift to a group of people approaching us from behind, including Phil. "No, no NO, NO PLEASE NO NO" he yells while holding on tightly to me. "ELEANOR, DON'T LET THEM TAKE ME PLEASE! NO BABY NO " he panics as one of the male nurses grabs his arm. "It's Okay baby, Noah please it's alright." I was crying hard while trying to pull him out of the jeep. "No God please no!" He was crying as hard as he was in the basment. God this was crushing me, seeing him crying this hard kills me.

"Noah, calm down. It's ok, she's gonna be right behind you." Phil says forcing Noah onto a stretcher. "GOD STOP PLEASE, ELEANOR DON'T LET THEM TAKE ME! " he reaches out for me, but I stand there so disturbed. "Eleanor, please!" His tears were screaming for me, but my heart froze underneath the ice. "I love you " I said as the medical professionals tie him down.
I knew he was gonna freak out, he can't be restrained. I quickly run to the stretcher and tell them to stop.
"No no no! He can't be restrained, he has panic attacks!' I yelled as Noah yanks on the straps to free himself.
"Let me out! ELEANOR HELP ME, PLEASE MAKE THEM STOP!" He yells as Phil puts an ice pack over his forehead. "NOAH, BREATH! HURRY LET'S GO " he yells as they race Noah inside.

I quickly grab Sebastian and lock the car. As I ran inside, I asked the woman at the front desk to watch him as I race down the hall towards Noah.

"Noah!" I saw how he was wearing an oxygen mask and his eyes were shut.
"NOAH? WAKE UP KID!" Phil yells as Noah's eyes open back up. Noah was still yanking on the straps as they quickly bring him into a dark room, making me stand outside.

I watch as Phil gently injects something into Noah's arm, making him fall asleep. As soon as his eyes were shut, they cut off his shirt and start cleaning out his wound. My heart was pounding as I watch the nurses working on Noah's arm.

Phil comes walking towards the door and quickly steps out. "Eleanor, follow me." He says as we walk a little ways down the hall. "Phil, what's wrong with him? " I cried as he gives me a sad expression. "Eleanor, he's having a serious mental breakdown.
He's mentally unstable right now and his emotions are controlling him." My lips shake as I cross my arms. "He's never cried that hard before... never" I whispered. "Something's replaying or he's mentally ill. I love, Noah.. I have since he was just a boy, but I knew something f*cked with his head. He's in pain, Eleanor... I think we need to watch his every move for at least three days." I slowly nod as he gently touches my shoulder. "Your the best person for him right now. He was screaming out your name as we sedated him. He really loves you Eleanor......."

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