Set me free

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Noah's POV
"See this is sounding great!" Joe says as we just recorded some ridiculous song. "Joe, it's not me." I said looking at him through the clear walls. "No, it's the new you. Your still holding onto the "Noah Sebastian of Bad omens" style. Now you're the new you, the better you." I don't know how this is the "better me" I'm lonely, sad, have no control over my music anymore, and I don't have Eleanor around. I'm really starting to hate this new life.

"Joe, I hate it" I just let it all out.
"Hate it! No no, this is gonna be phenomenal, just watch." He says as I shake my head. "Joe, I can't take this." I said removing the headphones slowly. "Joe, I hate this. I hate my life, I hate my job now, I hate not having my friends around anymore, and I hate not seeing the person I love most." I said feeling like tears were gonna form. "You have your son here though " he says as Sebastian was eating the ice cream I bought him earlier. "Joe, he's probably just as miserable. I'm sorry but I don't think I can continue with this deal." I shrug while pulling out my wallet. "Here, what can I pay you? "  "Noah I don't need your money. I just wanted to release an album with you. "
"Then it has to be rock." I said pulling out $1000 in cash to hand him. "I unfortunately don't think I can do that, Noah." He says about making the album rock. "Fine. Please just remove my name, I'll give you this if you remove everything. " he looked sad but nodded and took the cash.
"Joe, I'm really sorry. I need to get home to my wife and friends." I said shaking his hand. "Ok. I wish you well Sebastian" I thanked him again before letting his hand go.

"Sebastian? Let's go see Mommy ok" I said as he grabs my hand and walks towards the door with me. I had to lean down since he's still is very short.
He's grown so much since we've been gone, and both of us have longer hair now. I look like my old self again, thank God.

"I got ya." I smiled while picking him up. "You wanna go see the statue of liberty? " I asked as he smiles and says
"Yeah".. "you just spoke!" I smiled as he giggled. "That's great buddy.
"Let's go see the statue of liberty before we go home." I smiled while walking down the hallway with him....

Nick's POV
"I think we should call him now." Jolly says as we continued to knock on Noah's and Eleanor's house door . She decided to go home a week ago but was giving us calls so we knew she was ok. "ELLIE?" Jolly calls as the lights in the kitchen were on. "F*ck it I'm going in" we turned around and saw Folio walking up with a basball bat.
"What the?" I questioned as he smashes it into the front window.
The glass shatters everywhere as Folio quickly climbs inside. "WAIT THERE" he yells while walking to the kitchen....

Folio's POV
"Eleanor? It's Folio" I called as I heard her yell back "I'm taking a bath." I quickly walked upstairs to the bathroom. I stood outside the door but said "Ellie we've been knocking on the door. "  I heard her drop something, "oh sh*t!" I was about to run and see what happened, but she was taking a bath. "Do you need help Ellie ?" I asked as I heard footsteps,
"No ! Just stay where you are" she says in a worried manner. "Ok, we just wanted to make sure your okay?"
"Yeah, I'm good. Sorry I had music on" that kinda makes sense, but I still don't believe her. "Ok, but you're good? You don't need anything? "
"No, Folio... thanks for checking. I'll call you guys tomorrow okay? "
She sounds tired and stressed, but I don't want to continue standing here like a weirdo so I said "Sure Ellie, let me fix the window and I'll see you later." I hope she's not upset about my crazy reaction. "Ok? Thanks Folio"
And just like that I left to go fix the window.

Once I was back outside, I explained to the guys what happened before we went to home depot to fix the window.....

Eleanor's POV
I heard Folio call my name and I was terrified of what he'd see if he entered the bathroom. I was hiding more bags of cocaine that I had just purchased in the medicine cabinet. As Folio called
"Eleanor?  It's Folio" I dropped one of the bags, causing it to explode all over the floor. "Oh sh*t!" I yelled and quickly started to clean up the mess.
"Do you need help Ellie?" He asks as I was panicking. "No! Just stay where you are. I yelled as a panic attack was gonna start any minute now.
"Okay we just wanted to make sure your Okay. " he was being sweet, but I really didn't want him here right now.

Hi come see your best friend's wife is a f*cking drug addict! I can't let them see me... especially Noah, he'll probably leave me and take our son and move on with somone better. I was freaking out, and my panic attack was getting worse. I haven't had a panic attack since Noah and I got together, but my lonely friend is paying me a visit.

"Sure Ellie, let me fix the window and I'll see you later. " fix the window?
I probably was so high that I didn't even hear what he was really saying.
"Ok? Thanks Folio" and with that he left. Thank God, I loved the guys but right now I need to be alone.

Once I put the other bags away, I grabbed a broom and started to sweep up the bag of drugs off the floor. That was worth at least $100 bucks which sucked, but I have a full cabinet of bags. I don't know where Jimmy got the bags, but he did and now I have a fresh load for myself.

Kingdom of cards chpt 3 N.S. Bad Omens story Where stories live. Discover now