A new desire

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Eleanor's POV
I saw Shayla above me with worried eyes. "I'm taking you home now, you almost just overdosed." She explains while helping me stand to my feet. "Shayla, I need more. I'm fine" I barely said as Jimmy high fives me.
"Yeah girl! Here, we get new bags every week. How about $150 ?" He asked while holding a bag of cocaine out to me but no one could see us, besides the bar wasn't busy. "Jimmy get that away from her" Shayla hissed as she held my arm. "I need some relief, Shayla." I whispered while pulling out $200 from inside my purse and taking the bag quickly. "Eleanor" Shayla says in worry as I stuff it inside my purse.
"Just until he's back " I nod as she let's my arm go. "You're gonna get addicted, please don't do this Eleanor" I laughed, she's the second person in the past day telling me to stop.
"Somone else told me the same thing!" I said laughing, I was so high.
"To stop the drugs?" She questioned,
"No, I tried to sleep with my husband's best friend. I'm such a piece of sh*t!" I didn't relize that I fell to the floor until Shayla pulls me to my feet again.

"Eleanor, I'm taking you home." She then grabs her jacket and wraps her arms around my waist. We must be going outside. I dropped my phone on the floor as I tried to call Nick, he's my other hope. "Who can I call?" Shayla asked while leaning over to pick up my phone. "Nick, he's a friend" I said as my vision was becoming a blur. "Not the one you tried to sleep with right?" I nod as she pulls out her keys as well. "It's ringing" she informs while helping me into the passenger seat. "Hey Nick?" I heard her say before closing the door and walking to her side.
"Yes, she needs somone here to help her." I watched as Shayla starts up her car and shuts the door. "Ok, I know where that is" she was nodding and that's the last thing I remember...

Noah's POV
I was recording a song I've been working on for a while now, thanks to my buddy Jesse for helping. As I was singing the chorus, Joe raises his hand. "Yes? " I said in annoyance, this is the fifth time he's done this today.
"It's good, but what about pop music?
Like this is really heavy and people want something to blast out their windows and something to dance to." I shake my head. "Joe, I write rock music, I'm not Justin Bieber. " he nods but keeps pushing for pop. "No I know, but the generation isn't the way it was in the 80s " I removed my head phones and walked out of the recording room. "Look Joe, my life is in shambles right now okay? Could you please just f*cking go with what we signed up for? I need this." I begged as he stands from his chair.
"Noah, it's gonna make you even bigger!" He smiles but I can't take this right now. "JOE I'M F*CKING- Sh*t" I yelled as I angrily ran my fingers past my stitches . "Mother f*cker " I mumbled as some blood was on my fingers. "Holy sh*t man" Joe says with wide eyes as my head starts to burn.
"I gotta go. SEBASTIAN? " I called with one hand on the back of my head. "He's right there " Joe points to the guitars where Sebastian was sitting with his cars. "Thanks. Buddy we gotta go. " I said leaning over to pick him up, but started shaking violently. "Noah? NOAH ?" Joe comes running but I lost sight of him within ten seconds....

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