I want to make sure you're alright

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Noah's POV
I called Nick while locking my door with Sebtatian in my arms. Sure enough he answers. "Noah?" He asked as I toss the bag to the side. "No, Patrick Bateman, yes Nick" I joke walking my tired self to the bed. "What's wrong? " I questioned as Sebastian falls asleep on my chest. "Yeah uh, Eleanor's here " I furrow my brows in confusion. "Why? Is Folio home"
"No, he hasn't been home since yesterday. Eleanor was brought here by some lady named Shayla, anyway she's eating with Jolly right now."
Shayla? That meant Ellie was drinking or was at least the bar.

"Can I talk to her? " I sounded desperate, but I missed her so much.
"Yeah, but can I run something by you first?" He says in a quiet manner, meaning he didn't want anyone else to hear our conversation. "Sure" I rubbed my eyes while staring at the ceiling above me. "One sec" he was heading outside, I heard the door open then shut. "This afternoon I saw Eleanor's purse and I can't prove it, but I swear I saw cocaine or some powered drugs in there. Again I don't know for sure but, Noah ... she's acting so weird lately and she even admitted to buying some. The bag is her main priority and... what I'm saying, Noah is I think she's got an addiction." I felt horrible, just thinking about something having control over Ellie made my blood boil. I hated Jonathan for that.

"She told you she bought drugs? " I questioned while gently setting Sebastian on the mattress without waking him up. "Yeah, I think she was just venting and didn't relize how much she told me, she even told me she tried to sleep with Folio. " I got off the bed and rolled my eyes. "Believe me I know, he was freaking out about it. " I explained while walking to the bathroom. "Do you still want to talk to her? " I looked at my reflection on the mirror before answering. "I think I need to come back and help her."
"I can watch her if you want, just so you can work on the solo album? You did pay a lot to fly out there, maybe give it a week before coming back. " he was right and I probably was being impulsive, besides I don't know if she'll want to see me right now.
"Alright, please just watch her and call me if she's depressed or having any issues." I set my phone down on the side of the sink and washed my face.
"I will. You want me to see if she wants to talk?" I let the water fall from my tired face before looking down at the phone. "Yeah, just ask her if she'll talk." He was now heading back inside as I grabbed a towel to dry my face off.

"Hey Ellie? Noah's on the phone and wants to know if you'll talk to him?" Nick calls, "I just need to hear his voice. " I think I heard her say as he hands her the phone. "Eleanor? Honey I just want to make sure you're alright " I spoke as she remains silent on the other line. "Well I know you're there, so call me okay? I miss you..."
She didn't say anything so I just hung up. It was like leaving a voicemail, but she had the opportunity to say something there and now. She still must really hate me for taking a break.

I walked back to the bed and tossed my phone across it. I layed down pulling Sebastian towards me so he doesn't fall and fell asleep...

Eleanor's POV
"I miss you " his words were stuck in my head, on repeat, and I couldn't seem to let it go. "Why didn't you say anything? " Jolly asked walking back to the dinner table. "I don't know what to say to him... he's too good for me." I start crying as I hand Nick his phone back. "Eleanor, he's trying so hard to keep you... your gonna have to do the same for him." He says as I push my hair back. "I don't know why he's trying so hard, it's exhausting to me and I'm the one making things harder." "Why?" Nick asked as the front door opens. "I just went to-
It was Folio. He stopped when he saw me at the table. "I'll go" he points to the door and walks out. "Folio? " I got up and ran to the door. "FOLIO PLEASE " I called quickly running outside down towards him and his bike. "Ellie, I don't want- I walked in front of him and made him stop.
"Please. Folio I'm so so sorry. I'm so sorry for putting you in that position and I... I understand if you'll never forgive me, but I want you to know I'm so deeply sorry. I appreciate you more than you'll ever know and you're a great friend. I guess I was being impulsive and you were so... what I needed at that moment that I lost it and put you in a horrible position. Folio I'm sorry. " I cried as he stands there silently. His mohawk like hair slightly blowing in the wind as we stand on the sidewalk together.

"Can I hug you? But you won't kiss me right?" He asks making me laugh.
"No I promise " I laughed wiping my eyes. We leaned in and hugged each other tightly. "I forgive you Ellie, I just can't do that to you guys" he says into my shoulder as I took in his cologne scent and arms around me. "You're a great guy Folio, most men wouldn't do what you did." I said as we slowly pulled away. "I love you, just not in the way Noah does... but you'll always have me there to vent to Okay? " he says with the sweetest smile. "I f*cking love you " I smiled as we hug one more time. "Come on, let's go eat !" He smiles while wrapping his arm over my shoulder as we approached the front door. "I already did" He looks up to the sky before saying "Dessert it is!" Making me laugh as we enter the house again....

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