Fill my soul with gasoline

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Noah's POV

"Hey where's Kevin?" I asked looking around the house for my puppy.
"Didn't you let him outside? " Jolly asked as I run my fingers thru my shoulder length hair. "KEVIN? "I called while heading into our backyard. Once I made it to the yard, I saw one of the wooden boards pushed forward. It was enough room for a puppy Kevin's size to fit through.
"Kevin?" I walked to the gate to enter the yard and saw some people with their hands over their mouth, what the hell happened? I run up to them to see what was going on then saw Kevin lying with blood all around him in the street. "Kevin? Hey hey boy " I said leaning down to pick him up. He was definitely broken, but he was still alive. .. just barely. "Stay with me boy." I whispered as I quickly walked towards my car to race him to the vet's office. "It's Okay Kevin, I got you." I whispered but saw how Kevin's eyes were trying so hard to stay open. He was shaking and looked horrified as I slowly sit down on our driveway, just holding him in my arms. "Hey? Buddy" I whispered as tears were about to fall. I gently pet his head as he slowly dies in my arms five seconds later. I let the tears fall down my cheeks as my puppy died.
"Did you find the- Nick came walking over to me, but stopped speaking when he saw me holding Kevin's dead body in my arms. "Noah, I'm so sorry." He says I stand to my feet.
"I'm gonna bury him." I whispered, trying to hide my heartbroken face from him. "Ok, do you want me to get the gate?" He asked while grabbing one of our gardening shovels. "Not here. I'm going somewhere else." I whispered as he follows me to my car.
"I understand. Here, let me get some towels." He opens the garage as I looked at my poor puppy, this is all my fault. I should've watched him and kept him safe. A few seconds later Nick showed up with three red towels. He sets one down in the trunk so I can set Kevin's body on, then he hands me the second one to cover his body. "I'll keep this in the front." I said as I shut the trunk. "Sure. Do you need someone to come?" He looked sad as I walked to the front door and grabbed my keys off the rack. "No, I want to be alone." He just nods as I exit the house and walked to my car.

A few minutes later I arrived at our hiking trail. It was gonna rain soon so no one was here, but me. I stepped out of my car and grabbed the spare towel before opening the trunk. I wrapped thenew towel around Kevin in the best way I could before grabbing the shovel and closing the trunk.

I walked into the woods and started digging a grave for him, poor dog was just two months old. I angrily smashed the shovel into the soft soil and was already two feet in. I dig another three feet down until it looked deep enough. I gently set the towels that covered Kevin into the hole and said "Goodbye boy" as tears drenched the towel. I slowly stand up and gently push the dirt over the him.
The rain starts off gently as I make sure his grave is covered.

I sat in front of the grave and just cry as the rain picks up. I need to get going before it pours, so I slowly stand to my feet as my red long sleeved shirt starts to stick to my shoulders. I picked up our shovel and threw it into a stream of water as lightning appears in the darkened skies. This was gonna be a bad storm.

My legs slowly drag my tired body down the shady path I came in through, that's when the thunder roared and I fell to my knees. The rain was now pouring all over me as I just screamed.

 The rain was now pouring all over me as I just screamed

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Help me." I whisper as my hair sticks to my forehead. I know Nana is dead, but I'm sure she can hear me. "I can't father, kill me please... I'm begging you. " I prayed as I was still in my knees. The lighting strikes again as the heavy rain just poured all around me.....

Noah's POV
I woke up to see two nurses cleaning around the stitches they had just put in me. I watched as they remove their gloves and were talking, but I couldn't exactly hear what they were saying yet. They walked to the back for a minute as I slowly sit up. I was very stiff and tired, but I made it out alive once again. "God you certainly have you're ways " I chuckled before standing to my tired feet. "Oh Noah, just be easy on your wrist. The stitches will eventually remove themselves but too much stretching or pressure could pop em out " the brunette nurse said as she and the blonde one walke towards me. "Gotcha, thanks ladies." I nod as so did they and smile. "Mr. Sebastian? Could we get a photo with you real quick. " they were so sweet and how could I say no after what they did for me? "Absolutely, I appreciate you guys getting me back in shape." She smiled as I put my arm on their shoulders and smiled.
"Thank you so much, Noah. " the blonde says as we stand back to our previous positions. "Thank you guys, I appreciate your help " the smiled again before saying "Our pleasure. We hope you have a great tour Noah!" I smiled and thanked them again before I walked out of the room.

Noah's POV
I met Ellie and Sebastian in the hallway and thanked them for being here for me. A little later I left the hospital with my family and get back onto the tour bus for our concert tomorrow night.....

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