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Noah's POV
As I changed my clothes, I decided to sit down at my desk and write something. I'm in the mood and feel like I can twerk something then make it into a song. As I sat down and got some pieces of paper ready, I started thinking of words.

One look at your eyes and I gave in, one taste of the life now I crave it.

I wrote before putting my pencil up to my lips and thinking what to add.
As I was picturing a scenario, a loud thump made me jump. "Eleanor! You scared the sh*t out of me." I jumped as Eleanor slammed the bag of prescriptions from Phil beside me on our desk. "GOOD! Why the hell is Phil telling me you took too many pills?" She raised her voice as I set the pencil down. "Cause I did." I said looking up at her raging eyes. "WHY?" I just stared at her speechless. "GET OUT OF MY LIFE IF YOUR GONNA DO THIS SH*T. I DON'T NEED YOU! ALL YOU'VE DONE IS MAKE MY LIFE HARDER, BELIEVE ME I'LL GO LIVE WITH DAD AND BRING SEBASTIAN WITH ME." I scratch the back of my head not sure what to say. "You have nothing to say huh? Noah, if you wanna kill yourself, get the f*ck away from me and our son.... And you can go clean up your mess in the basement" I reach for her hand but she slaps my hand away. "Eleanor, I don't know what to say.... I'm sorry "
She rolls her eyes and walks to my side of the bed. "Why do you keep pulling me in then? They always say misery likes company." I slowly stand up and walked towards her. "Baby, please don't get so upset. I promise you I'm trying." "Oh bullsh*t! You're trying to off yourself, Noah. You notice a pattern here, we love, hate, fight, f*ck, live, and die over and over again. This is honestly unhealthy especially for you, though you're the one causing it." I looked at her with parted lips before saying, "Eleanor, I'm so sorry. " she shakes her head and grabs my backpack from inside our closet. "You should go live with the guys. I honestly don't know how they've put up with you as long as they have." I touched her shoulder and get on my knees in front of her.
"Eleanor, baby girl please... I promise you I'm trying, I'm getting help, I have medication, and all I want is you. Baby I love you so much, I really do."
She starts crying but still shakes her head. "I almost feel like you use me and that's it." I wrapped my arms around her waist and was now hugging her from a kneeling position. "Baby no, baby girl I would never do that to you. I bought us a house cause I want you here, with me." "Noah, I feel like I'm your escape route. Every time you do something crazy, we come back and f*ck we don't even talk about it." I shake my head this time. "Yes we do baby. I just can't face all of that right now so I.... I spend that time with you to hide it." She pushes me off her and storms out of room. "Eleanor? " I quickly run after her as she heads downstairs. "Baby please!" Sebastian watches us from the dinner table as I walked behind Eleanor in the kitchen. "You just use me! GET THE F*CK OUT OF MY LIFE, NOAH!" I grab her hands and try to pull her to me, but she pushes me back and leans against the counter with her back to me. "Eleanor, please"
"Stop pushing it. Get out, Noah!"
"I can't do that, baby please."
"Stop calling me that, I can barely look at you!" She still had her back to me. "What can I do?" I gently rubbed her back as she stared at the sink.
"You can leave. Your f*cking crazy, Noah. I'm packing our clothes and we're going to stay with Dad." She says referring to her and Sebastian.
"Eleanor, it was just a few pills."
"A few too many, more like it!"
"I know, but baby I promise I didn't do that on purpose." She heads towards the laundry room now.
"Excuses only bring you closer to the truth." She spits back while filling up a bucket of soap and water. "I know it's been hard, but we're finally making it up." She grabs a mop and turns the sink off. "No, we're f*cking drowning." I push my hair back as she stares up at me. "Noah, we had our time together... now I think we should move on. I hate being apart of this famous lifestyle, I hate that you have millions of girls after you, I hate that you have everyone on your tail all the time, and I hate being that little toy of yours." I hate when she talks like this. "Eleanor, you're not a toy to me. You're a beautiful woman, and I cherish you for that. " she rolls her eyes again before I grabbed her hand.
"We can fix this." She pushes me back and storms off once again. "Eleanor? See Ellie, your running too." She stops so fast that I crashed into her back.
"We're done." I watched as she quickly walks into the kitchen. "Eleanor! it was just a few pills!" "NO, I DON'T TRUST YOU ANYMORE!' "Oh God Eleanor, why don't you take some of the pills." She turns around and slaps me. "You f*cker." She whispered and walked around me to the bedroom again.

"Daddy, what's wrong?" I turn to Sebastian at the table and slowly walked towards him. "Buddy?" I asked kneeling down in front of him.
"Mom and I are just..... upset right now, everything's gonna be alright ok?" I whispered as he just looks at me.
"Hey daddy, what happened to you the other day?" He kinda said, but enough for me to make out what he was asking. "Remember I told you about depression?" He nodded, "Daddy was depressed and made a bad decision.... Promise me you'll never do what I did buddy? " he nods again before I hugged him tightly.

"Sebastian, come put your jacket on" I looked behind me and saw Eleanor zipping up her long jacket. "Where are you going?" I asked as Sebastian and I pulled away. "A drive, I need to think." I nodded, just happy she's not leaving me. "You'll be back?" I asked as she says quick "yes, just a drive." I nod as Sebastian grabs his jacket. "Be careful okay? It's snowing." I said as she walks towards Sebastian. "Noah, don't do anything stupid." I nod as she grabs the keys. "I'll see you guys later" I said as I hugged Sebastian. "Eleanor, please be careful." I whispered putting my hands on her shoulders.
"I will, go finish your song now." I nod before waving to Sebastian as Eleanor opens the door and walks outside......


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