The worst in me

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Noah's POV
I walked into the hospital with Sebastian in my arms and Eleanor by my side. I instantly asked the nurse to get Dr Phil down here to look at Sebastian, he was still bleeding but not as badly as he was when we left Josh's place.

"Noah? What the hell happened " Phil asked as he came running down to Ellie and me. "Our son needs stitches. Please, he's still bleeding" I beg as he nods and takes Sebastian from me and into the ER. That's when I looked down at Eleanor, she looked horrified.

"Baby it's ok " I whispered pulling her into a hug. "Noah, thank you" she whispered as I rubbed her back. "I'd take anything for you, I love you so much Ellie " I kissed the top of her head as she slowly reached up to feel the back of my head. "Oh god!  She says with wide eyes, "noah, you're bleeding " I reach my hand back to feel and felt that my blood was running down my back. "Oh sh*t " I said as she pulls me to the ER. "Phil needs to look at that" I followed her into the ER where Phil had just finished stitching up Sebastian's face.
"He's gonna be alright. Just a puncture wound below his eye, he's a tough guy. " Phil smiles as Ellie pulls me towards the table. "Thank you.
Ugh Phil? Noah's head is bleeding, can you please take a look." Phil nods as I sit down beside Sebastian. He slowly crawls towards me and onto my lap.
"Hey buddy" I smiled as Phil moved some of my hair to get a clear view, making me cringe. "I can take him" Ellie takes Sebastian so I can have better balance. "Jeez, guys what the hell happened? " Phil asked as he looks at the side of my head. "I tried to kill this piece of sh*t who took advantage of somone I love. Instead of hitting me for the hundredth time, he hit my son." He nods while coming to face me. "Did he try to strangle you? " Phil questioned while feeling my neck. "Yeah, how'd you know? "
"You're neck is purple, I can see it through the tattoos. You're head has a gash in the back, I can fix it but you'll have to cut your hair and have surgery." I looked at him with wide eyes. "Surgery? I can't be awake " I asked as he cringed. "Noah, I'd have to make sure the stitches are really tight and that be very painful for you. Surgery is the safer option, especially on the head." I nod as Eleanor had glassy eyes. "Doctor, can I stay with him? I'm just not comfortable going home alone." Phil smiles sadly at her before nodding. "Absolutely, we just can't have you here while in surgery."
She smiles at him before looking at me. "Do you wanna talk?" I nodded while jumping off the table, but cringed at the pain and blurred vision.  "Oh, Noah we should get you into surgery as soon as possible." Phil says reaching for my arm. "Today?" I looked up at him still seeing double.
"Yes, like now. I'll get you a gown" he says walking out of the room.

"You're gonna be alright baby " Ellie said grabbing my hand. "Are you doing ok? I know this is really hard on you." She cups my face and kisses me.  "I'm just scared, but I'm here with you and that's all that matters." We smiled at Sebastian then at each other. "I love you" we kissed "I love you too" she smiles as Phil came back with a long gown. "Here we are, Noah.
I'll give you some privacy then be back in five minutes okay? " I grabbed the gown from him and said "thank you " as he leaves again.

"I can hold you're clothes." Eleanor offers as we walked to the bathroom.
I took my shoes off before unzipping my pants. "Do you want help?" Ellie offered, but was still holding Sebastian. "I'm ok, thanks babe " I now removed my socks then shirt.
"I haven't seen those muscles in a while " Eleanor smirks as I was just standing in my boxers. "Yeah, well when I can see normally I'll have to treat my baby girl to a fun night out?" She nods with a smile as I kissed her forehead. "My princess gown please " I say in a high pitched voice making her and Sebastian laugh. "Yep, Daddy's a freakin princess today bud"
I joked as Ellie helped me get my arms through. "Well now I understand if you don't want to sleep with me " I chuckled as Eleanor shook her head.
"Noah, it's not that ... I've just been super stressed and the whole fame thing is getting to me. I'm still very much attracted to you" I was relieved to hear that. "Thank God " I laughed as we heard the door open again.
"Noah, we ready?" Phil calls while wearing surgical gear with a nurse at his side. "Yeah, I guess so. I'll see you in a bit baby okay? " I give Eleanor a kiss before following Phil and the nurse to the surgical center.
"We have a wheelchair for you to sit." I thanked the nurse before sitting down as she pushes me to the room.
I was pretty nervous if I'm being honest.

Once we got in, the nurse sedated me while helping me onto the table.
"Noah, we're gonna have you on oxygen." Phil says putting a mask over my face. "In ten minutes you'll be asleep then we'll start the surgery." I nod as they leave the room. I just stared at the ceiling as I slowly started to get sleeping. I was thinking about Eleanor and Sebastian and what they might be doing at the moment.

A few minutes later I could barely keep my eyes open, so I slowly started to drift off to sleep ......

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