The prize

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Noah's POV
"And this year's Grammy award winner is... BAD OMENS!" I smiled as I kissed Eleanor sitting beside me with Sebastian in her arms. The guys and I stand up and head down to the stage as we just won our first grammy.
We're at the Grammys right now for our latest album The Death Of Peace Of Mind, it's been very successful and it looks like we've won best rock record of the year.

I walked beside Folio as Nick and Jolly step up on the stage. We approached the host and said thank you before he hands me the microphone to speak.
"Wow, thank you guys. " I smiled as the guys stand beside me. "The boys and I have worked very hard on this album and are so grateful that you guys like it. I'd like to thank my band,
Nick, Jolly, Folio, for helping me write these songs and being my friends from the very beginning. Thank you Davis, you've tought me so much and I can't thank you enough. And last but definitely not least, I'd like to thank my wife. Eleanor, thank you so much for being here for me during the lowest times in my life, thank you for being my beautiful, loving, sweet, and caring wife. I love you and Sebastian so much." I smiled at my beautiful wife sitting at our table in the audience. "Thank you to the Grammys for having us and thank you to our incredible fans, we're excited to see you guys in a few months. Thank you, good night " I nod as the guys followed me back to our table. The audience clapped until we sat back at our table.

"Honey that was so sweet " Ellie smiles as I pulled her in for a kiss.
"Thanks baby" I smiled as she held Sebastian against her chest.

I drove Sebastian and Ellie home as we got back at 11:30 so we're pretty tired. We finally have a house of our own so we can do whatever we want whenever we want. I opened the door for Ellie as she thanked me and headed upstairs with Sebastian.

I took my jacket off and went into the kitchen, we had a few bills on the counter and I had an unsigned record deal. I haven't told the boys yet, but it's a solo project and I'm not sure if I should except or not? I haven't said anything about it to Eleanor either, nothing has been decided yet.

I slowly walked upstairs to see what Ellie was doing, I know she's exhausted and has had her hands full with Sebastian lately. As she was pulling his blanket over him, I came up behind her and put my hands on her hips. "Hi, honey" she whispered slowly standing up and straight.
"Come here hon" I whispered as I picked her up bridal style to our bedroom. "I feel like I've been slacking on pleasing my wife. " I smirked while setting her down on our bed. "Baby, we've just been busy... it's not your fault." She smiles sweetly as I climbed over her tiny body.
"Can I touch you, it's been a month?" I laughed as she pulls me closer to her and kisses me. "I'm on my cycle right now which will be messy, but if you want to you're definitely welcomed to" I could tell she was tired, even though I wanted to I could tell she didn't tonight. "It's Okay babe, we'll do it another time." I nodded while climbing off of her. "Honey, I didn't mean it that way" I walked to the bathroom to brush my teeth for tonight. "It's Okay babe, we'll deal with it later" I try not to sound bothered by it as I grabbed my toothbrush. "I'll get to you honey, I promise." I heard Eleanor yawn as I spit out the tooth paste. "No problem hon" I miss our time together, we're both just so busy now.

I eventually walked back into our room and saw that Eleanor was asleep, she's so exhausted. I just climbed into bed and pulled her close to me as we went to sleep .....

Kingdom of cards chpt 3 N.S. Bad Omens story Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang