Rejection's a message

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Noah's POV
I went for a jog this morning then came back to Eleanor cooking breakfast for Sebastian. I locked the front door and walked over to her from behind, accidentally scaring her.
"GOD! Noah" she jumps as I held her in place. "Sorry hon, I'm just getting some water." I said walking around her to the cabinet. "Ok. Ugh, are you gonna eat? I've gotta run to the store  and get Sebastian some clothes." She says walking past me to the dinner table. "Eleanor, why don't I take Sebastian to the studio with me? You're always dealing with him and I'd like to hang out with my boy for a bit." I suggest as she walks back into the kitchen.  "Noah, I got it" she kinda got snippy with me for no reason.
"I'm just trying to make it easier on you, you're exhausted and won't let me help you." I said drinking down a cup of water. "Noah! I said I got it. Will you please shut the hell up already? " she says angrily while raising her arms. "Dude I'm just offering jeez" I rolled my eyes and walked towards Sebastian.

"How you doing buddy? " I asked him as he smiles up at me. He looks like a mini me. "Noah, we're gonna go now." Ellie pulls him out of the carrier and heads to the door. "Am I not allowed to see my son?" I questioned following her to the door. "I just don't want you guys alone." Her words shocked me. "Why?" I was kinda offended. "Oh my God Noah! I'm ready to kill you." I know she was cranky but she's acting like she hates my guts. "That's not an answer Ellie" I said calmly holding the door shut.
"You can go as soon as you answer-
"CAUSE YOU'LL DO SOMETHING STUPID! THERE YA HAPPY, NOAH? " I just ignored her and quickly went upstairs to shower. I can't deal with her right now.

"Noah, you Okay? " Folio asked sitting in front of me. "Eleanor won't let me take Sebastian anywhere alone" I said in annoyance.

 "Eleanor won't let me take Sebastian anywhere alone" I said in annoyance

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"Why ?" His eyes were confused.
"She f*cking thinks I'm gonna do something stupid. I haven't even sliced myself for God knows how long. Seriously, it's so ridiculous." I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, that's a little dramatic." He says with a chuckle.
"He's your son too, so you have the right to take him out." I thought the same thing as Folio. "Yeah... and she won't even sleep with me anymore"
Folio nearly  chocked on his Gatorade as I explained my down hill life.
"You aren't having sex? "
"It's been a month Folio, and I literally asked her yesterday. She just doesn't seem interested anymore."
"When did this start?" He questions as I removed my sunglasses. "The day I told her we were nominated for a Grammy. I don't know what the f*ck is going on between us. I offer to help but she always refuses and basically gets frustrated with me for it. I don't know what she expects." He nods before Jolly calls us down to record.
"I'll tell you about it later " Folio nods as we head into the recording studio...

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