Goodbye is a lie

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Noah's POV
"Hey guys? Let's go f*cking party!" Jesse says as I removed my shirt. "Where do you want to go? " I asked as we were about to leave the arena. "Hey Noah? Remember that bar where you got drunk and smoked a sh*t ton of weed. " Brian asked as I laughed. "Yeah, I love that place."
"Why don't we go there?" I nodded and put on a white tank top. "Should I get the guys? " Jesse shakes his head.
"They left a half hour ago, why don't you come with Brian and me?" I nodded and followed him to his car.

"Did Eleanor leave already? " I looked around the parking lot but didn't see her. "Yeah, I think they took the uber." Brian says walking beside me. "Oh, okay. I guess that's better." He nods as Jesse unlocks the doors. I check the time on my phone, 10:35 pm before getting into the car. "You need a GPS?" I asked but Jesse shakes his head. "Nah, I remember the way. " we then pulled out and head to the bar.

I stepped onto the oil stained parking lot with my buddies as we approached the loud building. There were lights, loud music, girls, and drugs all in one place. I stepped inside to 'parasite eve by Bring me the horizon' blasting. I walked through the crowd of sweaty people all around me before making it to the bar itself.

"Hey, can I get some tequila shots ?" The bartender with dark slick hair nods as Brian and Jesse sit beside me.
"I literally just bought this from him!" Brian shows us a bag of weed. "You wanna roll some up?" Jesse asked as I stared at the bag. "After the tequila shots. We would need to go outside."
I nodded as our shots were ready....

Eleanor's POV
"Thank you, Cody. Did Noah leave yet?" I asked carrying Sebastian in my arms as we step out of the uber. "I don't believe so, would you like me to check?" He asked but it was getting late, I'll just call him. "That's ok, thank you Cody" he nods before we waved and said Goodnight.

I walked up to the door and unlocked it before setting a sleepy Sebastian down. "Hey buddy, go get in your pajamas okay?" He walks to the bathroom slowly as I pulled out my phone and saw the time. 11:02am it's getting late.
I should text Noah, if I don't hear back by midnight, then I'm calling him.

Hey Noah,
Did you leave? Sebastian and I are home so no need to worry. Love you!

I sent before walking to the bathroom  to shower.

Noah's POV
"This sh*t is so f*cking good!" Brian said as we were off our faces drunk and smoking an unhealthy amount of weed. "I'm so f*cking drunk dude" I slurred as I fall onto the concrete sidewalk. "Ahahahaha, I can't f*cking see!" I laughed while now lying on my back. "Noah, get up man! We need to get home. IT'S 1:45!" Jesse laughed as Brian just puked in the trashcan beside us. "Brian, you're driving." Jesse says as I barely pull myself back up. "One more f*cking bottle of whiskey!" I slur while trying to stay balanced. "You drank down two, you *sshole!" Brian punches my arm making me lean against the wall of the bar outside. "I need to get my stupid *ss back to the hotel." Jesse nods while finishing the last bit of weed he has left. "Ok, Brian here's my keys." He says tossing them to him. "I'm still drunk bro." "Not as drunk as we are, let's go." I follow behind them slowly before we get to his car. Thank God it wasn't a far walk, cause I can't see sh*t.

We all got in the car and were now on our way back to the hotel.

Eleanor's POV
"What the f*ck is going on? " I mumbled as Noah's phone kept going to voicemail. Where was he, is he alright, and what is he doing? That's all I wanted to know. I'm actually worried about him, I hope nothing happened to him.

I'm gonna try and call Folio now, maybe he knows? RING RING RING
"Ellie? You ok?" He sounded tired, I think I just woke him up. "Hey Folio, sorry if I woke you up. I just wanted to see if you know where Noah is?"
He yawned before responding.
"Ugh, he should be flying back home but if you're not with him?" He questions as I pase back and forth downstairs. "No I last saw him when he ran back on stage. He's not picking up his phone and I'm f*cking freaking out!" I start to panic. "Ok ok, just relax Ellie. I'm gonna call him and if I can't reach him then I'll call Brian alright? " he says sweetly as I walked to the kitchen. "Ok. Folio, thank you so much." We then hung up.

"God please stand beside him tonight." I whispered as I gently set my phone down.....

Kingdom of cards chpt 3 N.S. Bad Omens story Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz