carry this on my own

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Noah's POV
I fell asleep lying my head right beside Eleanor's hand. As I drifted off for God knows how long? I felt a gently tap on my shoulder. I looked up before blinking a couple times and saw William holding Sebastian's hand. "Hey, I'm sorry to wake you. Our lady at the desk left for tonight so I came to get him for you." I nod as Sebastian walks beside me."oh ok. Thanks Will, hey buddy. " I lazily smile at my son as he hugs me. "So I did check the baby and we are keeping a close eye on the breathing.
The heart rate is good but a little low on oxygen." I nod as Sebastian goes to sit on the spinning chair. "William, do you really think the baby will make it?" He cringes and kinda shrugs. "It's so hard to say. I honestly think we should wait a week before determining anything cause you know, anything can happen. The baby is so early on development that we have to be so cautious." I nod as Sebastian was spinning around on the chair. "Sebastian, buddy your arm has to heal." I point as Will's eyes follow my gaze. "Daddy, I'm tired." "I know buddy, me too." I yawn as Will crosses his arms. "I can move her to another room so you guys can sleep. Down the hallway there's a room with two couches." I nod as Sebastian jumps off the chair. "God buddy! Don't do that" I jumped as he landed on his feet. "Sorry Daddy " I kinda smirked as he smiles back at me. "Will, could you help guide us?" I asked as he chuckles.
"Absolutely let's get this bed moving."


Sebastian was asleep on my chest as we slept right beside Eleanor's bed. She hasn't woken up yet, but everything looks ok at the moment.
I fell asleep for an hour and a half, but my stress levels woke me up.

I gently set Sebastian beside with the blanket, William was kind enough to bring us before sitting upward. I looked at Eleanor's face and saw how some brushing was appearing on her forehead. Her lip had a cut in the corner and her eyes were surrounded by a brighter grayish color. I hope she's ok, this accident almost killed her and my son.

As I stared at Eleanor, the door quietly opens. "Hey, Noah? Can you follow me" It was William again. I nod while tiredly standing up.

"Hey, I know you're trying to sleep but I need you to come see this!" He smiles as we start walking down the hallway. "Is it the baby? " I asked as we approached the room he and I were in earlier this afternoon.
"Yes, before we go inside... do you wanna know the sex?" I shrugged.
"As long as it's alive sure." He laughs before opening the door. "So this is great news, first thing.... It's another boy! Second he's healing perfectly, and he's developing safely through the machine. " I smiled as he points to my developing son. "William, this is impossible. She had a puncture wound." I said in amazement at the little boy in front of me. "I know, man doesn't God have his way?" He shakes his head with a smile. "The only thing that I was concerned about was this right arm here" he gently shows me with his finger. "This is the shoulders developing. As you can see on this side, he has his arm, but the one on his right... nothing has developed yet."
I looked intensely as he explained.
"What does that mean? " he licks his lips before setting the baby down very slowly. "He may have a... maybe a deformity, but the fact that he's alive is amazing." I smiled down at the baby before looking up at Will.
"Will he be able to function?"
"Probably as long as there isn't too much brain damage, but he may or may not have that arm. It shouldn't effect him at all though, the good thing is if he doesn't get that arm, he'll always be used to it. This happened early in life for him, so it should be Okay." I nod as he tosses his gloves into a trashcan. "We still have to be cautious, things could change, but he's looking great right now." I nodded again before holding the door open for us.

"Do you know when Eleanor should wake up?" I asked as we walked back down the hallway. "Should be soon, maybe the morning? It was a really long surgery so it may be another...
Five to ten hours. " we were now standing outside Eleanor's room.
"Will when do you get off work?"
"Oh I don't work here mainly, I work with buddies across town. " my eyes went wide, did he just stay here for eight hours just to help me and family? "Wait you don't even work here?" He nods, "no, but I have a lot of experience with surgical treatments and the delivery process stuff." He laughs as I pull him into a tight hug.
"Oh my God, Noah Sebastian is hugging me!" He says as I smile into his shoulder. "Will I owe you big time, I promise you I'll pay you back. When Eleanor's back home and we have a better idea for the baby, I'm gonna pay you back." I said as we slowly pulled away. "Noah, this is an honor to even talk to you. I'm just so happy to meet you!" This guy was awesome .
"Really Will, I appreciate you man." He smiles as we hug one more time.
"Well it's my pleasure, Noah. I've gotta get home to sleep, but I promise I'll come bye to check on the baby." I thanked him before we said Goodnight.

I then went back into Eleanor's room and slept right beside Sebastian.....

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