I need a miracle

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Eleanor's POV
I woke up to Nick carrying me into the guy's old house, the one Noah and I used to live in. "Thank you, I'll tell him." Jolly says to I'm assuming Shayla before the door closes.
"Nick? " I whispered as I could smell his cologne. "Hey El, what's going on?" He asked with a kind and caring look in his eyes as we were heading upstairs. "I don't know " I whispered as we entered his room. He sets me down gently on his bed before turning the lights on.

"Really Eleanor, what's going on?" His eyes beg for an answer as I take a deep breath in. "Did you get my purse?" I questioned looking around the room as we sat on the bed. "Jolly has it downstairs. Eleanor? Please what's going on. " he grabs my hand to try and get me focused on him and not my hidden bag of cocaine downstairs. "I f*cked up so much. I bought drugs, I got drunk and slept with a friend, I even tried to f*ck Folio last night! Nick what am I now?"
His eyes went wide as I explained my horror story. "Eleanor, tell me you didn't sleep with- his eyes were cautious but suspicious. "No, thanks to him for leaving. He was right and I wanted to tempt him... anyway I think Noah deserves better. He doesn't need me, he never did." I cried as Nick get on his knees in front of me. "Hey Ellie, look at me. Noah loves you so much, he was willing to lose me to keep you. We're like brothers but you mean something much bigger to him than I ever will, so please just stay. He'll never forgive me If I just let you go.
You two have a son now, he needs his mom too." I cried but was nodding as Nick comfortingly rubbed my knuckles.

"That's part of a relationship, things get tough but you can't let him go... not yet Eleanor " he was right, but I don't think I can handle this anymore.
"Nick, if he knew what I tried to do yesterday he'd kill me. " he shakes his head. "You want to believe that, but you know and I know that's not true. Folio pushed you away and that's all that matters, just don't do it again cause most guys aren't like Folio "
"He probably will never talk to me again. " I said looking at a Pierce the veil poster on his wall. "He will, just give him time... he doesn't want to hurt you or Noah." I nodded again before leaning and hugging Nick.
"You're gonna be ok, I promise I'll help you ok?" I cried into his shoulder as he gently pulls away. "Come downstairs, Jolly made pizza." I smiled as he helped me up and we head downstairs......

Noah's POV
"OW!" flinched as Doctor Phil stitches three of my loosened ones. "Your so lucky I was in town, cause this is a pain in the *ss Noah." He jokes as I just lyed on the bed. " Phil? What do you do when you're wife isn't attracted to you anymore? " I asked while squeezing the pillow below me so tightly. "You have to do things together like dates, walks, talks, and you know physically too." He says while tightening the stitches. "Ow! Phil!" I jumped as he cuts the string.
"Back to subject." He says as I lie back down. "I tried all if that but Ellie just acts like she's not interested anymore." I explained while picturing her beautiful face. "Males have higher needs in that department, but it sounds like therapy is definitely needed. If she's avoiding you for no good reason then yes, therapy should be your next step. " he explains while cleaning the blood around my head.

"Do you think it'll help? " I asked
"Definitely, what you basically do is vent to each other and talk about what needs to be resolved, but with a therapist there to help. My wife and I did it a few years back and we're still going strong, so if I can so can you."

I thought about it and it honestly is probably our only hope.

"Your all set, Noah" he pats my back so I can sit up properly. "Thanks, Phil and thanks for the advice. " I said while putting my shirt back on.
"Not a problem bud, glad to be working on your head and not your wrist." It was a funny joke we've had since last visit. "Yeah, it is.' We laughed before leaving the room together. "Oh you brought, Sebastian with you? " he asked as I thanked the receptionist for watching him. "Yeah, she never let me have time alone with him so yeah." He furrows his brows but doesn't ask any further questions.
"His stitches are almost healed up too" he says as Sebastian wraps his arms around my neck. "Yeah, we look even more identical now huh?" We laughed again.

I hugged Phil and wished him luck on his speech here in Manhattan today before leaving.

I wonder what's going on with the guys, I'll call them in just a bit...

Kingdom of cards chpt 3 N.S. Bad Omens story Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz