Heart or soul

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Eleanor's POV
First night at the new house ....

"You're so f*cking beautiful, ya know that?" Noah said to me as we were lying in bed, tangled legs and slowly kissing while trying to catch our breath. "Why did you choose me? There's so many girls who'd kill to be yours." I asked running my fingers down his jaw. "Cause I saw something different about you,
You were this sweet and shy, but so innocent girl that I couldn't stay away from even if I wanted to....
You had this hypnotizing look that I instantly was addicted to, your my favorite drug Ellie. You're seriously the most precious thing in my life." I kissed his nose as he gently ran his long fingers up and down my arms.

When I see Sebastian I see a wonderful man's face there, it's not Sebastian's face... it's the face I see when I look at my angel. You have these adorable futures and I just...
I feel like I'm so blessed yet so spoiled. You're a rockstar, a hot rockstar and I'm this dorky girl who you met on a tour bus." I laughed as he shook his head.
"No. You're this sexy woman I met on tour who caught my attention from how beautiful she was, and still is." This man was too good to me. I kissed his forehead and cupped the right side of his face as we were facing each other on the king sized mattress. "Noah, I love you so much... I really do" I grabbed his hand and kissed his long figures individual. "I love so much too, probably too much." He chuckles as I put his hand over my chest. "I wanna hear you and me all night.... I wanna see you" I whispered as he smirks and climbs over me. "Round two? I haven't even started yet Miss Davis ." He does this sexy thing with his head every time. he'll lean back and let his hair fall over the sides of his head. It was such a beautiful sight, his tattoos, body, sweat, lips parted... he was so so beautiful

"I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have left you and all I did was run away from our problems. I don't hate you for any of this, I could never hate you. Your a great mother and a phenomenal woman that I'm incredibly blessed to call my wife.

I think we can fix this. I think we need to vent and explain what we need to do for each other cause this is destroying us... we're so much more than this. I don't want to lose you baby girl, I really don't want to.

I'm so sorry for everything " I slowly opened my eyes to see my beautiful angel with his face in his hands. He looked so pale and stressed, thanks to me.

My body was so numb, weak, almost stringy, and skinny. I've only weighed 100 pounds for the last month due to all the drugs I've been taking. As I gently move my right hand, Noah looks up at me. He was crying due to the redness around his heartbroken eyes. "Oh my God " he was in my arms in less than a second as soon as he saw me awaken. "Baby girl... my God you seriously died " he says taking a sharp breath in before letting me go, except for my hand. "Noah, I'm so sorry " I cried as he shakes his head, letting his now grown out hair fall over his forehead. "We both messed up... I'm willing to fix this babe, we should do some therapy and- what are looking for? " he noticed my eyes roaming the room for my purse.
"Where's my purse? " I questioned while sitting up a little straighter.
"Home. Why would you need your purse right now? " he seemed kinda hurt that I didn't respond to the therapy suggestion. "I need it, I need it now. Noah, I need my bag." I start freaking out and panicking at the sudden withdrawals I was having.
"The asthma? They should have some inhalers here." He says standing to his feet. "No! Noah I need it" I said as my body was getting shakey. "Ellie, I don't know what- "MY DRUGS OKAY!
I'M HAVING WITHDRAWALS AND I CAN'T GO ANY LONGER." I yelled as he parted his lips but said nothing.
"Your a f*cking drug addict? " he was crushed, I could see it in his eyes and internally... his heart just exploded like a grenade. "Noah I need to get home." I whined as I removed the cords from my arm. "You obviously saw the drugs when you found me?" I questioned as he had his back to me.
"I thought you were depressed and were just trying something for a night and didn't relize how much you took.
How long have you been doing this? " he turns back to face me with his hands on his hips. "Two and half months. When you left that destroyed me, Noah" he quickly walks towards me with such anger and sadness all over his face. "Don't you f*cking blame me for this! I closed a record deal out so I could come home and see you! I raced home from the airport to come and recuse you, but you would never so the same for me." He was making me cry, though it was the morbid truth.

"Noah" I cry as he runs his hands over his face.. "Why am I doing this? "
I was shaking from how badly my body was needing more. I climbed out of the bed and grabbed my shoes in the corner of the room. "Eleanor ?" He questions as I removed the gown and put one of Noah's hoodies on.
"I need to get home." I said as he grabbed my hand and we speed walk to the front door. "Hey where are you guys- a nurse called but we were already outside.

"Noah? We need to hurry" I said as we made it to Nick's car in the front of the hospital. "NO! " he yells while quickly letting my hand go and opening the car door. "Babe, I'm sorry but I need it now!" I raised my voice as he starts up the car and starts to pull out of the parking lot. "I'M TRYING SO F*CKING HARD ELEANOR! I'M TRYING TO KEEP YOU AND ALL YOU'VE F*CKING DONE IS PUSH ME AWAY." He had tears rolling down his face as we came to a red light.
"Noah I have an addiction " I felt like I just puked up my organs. "OBVIOUSLY! YOU'RE SHAKING LOOK AT YOU" he grabs my hand, not roughly but firmly. "NOAH I'M SO F*CKING SORRY!" I screamed back as the light turned to green. "YOU'RE KILLING YOURSELF AND YOUR TORTURING ME! WHAT THE F*CK AM I SUPPOSED TO DO NOW ELEANOR?"
I was crying hard but silently as we got on the highway. "Noah! I'm UGH" I put my face in my lap as my body was about to explode. "I'M TAKING YOU HOME THEN YOU'RE GOING TO REHAB" I looked at his knuckles squeezing the steering so tightly, he was so upset. "NO! I NO" I sit up straight as he pulls to the shoulder and slams on the breaks. "You will go, you have no say! " I bit my lip before saying "YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND, GET ME HOME " He takes his seatbelt off and comes to my side of the car. He opens the door and kneels in front of me. "I am not taking you home to get more drugs, you are gonna get sober for me and our son. Do you f*cking understand me?" I shake my head.
"NOAH I CAN'T I- He shakes my shoulders as I start crying out loud.
"YOU CAN F*CKING DO THIS! YOU WILL DO THIS ELEANOR " I pushed him harshly and covered my face.
He slammed my door shut and walked to his side of the car. I looked at him as he shuts his door and gets back onto the highway.

"Noah? I- "SHUT UP ELEANOR, JUST SHUT UP!" He yells with such hurt in his voice. He was so ready to kill me and I had no reason to blame him for it...

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