Chapter 103 - Thinking

Start from the beginning

While you were away, I wore your clothes to smell like you. Everything just got better with us, and you left. I was filled with longing and sadness. I tried to find you everywhere, in the books we read, on the streets where we walked, in the shops where you kissed me on the sly.

I love you. I miss you. Forgive me for everything, please.


She found a large envelope somewhere in her papers and packed all his letters, her letter and all the photographs there. She didn't want to see all this if he didn't stay in her life. She had the courage to do it now, and felt that she would hardly have dared to do it if she had received an answer from him.

Leaving the letter, she went to get ready. She intended to take it to him personally, dropping it in his mailbox. He himself decided not to contact her.

She washed her face, combed her hair and tied it into a bun, hugging it with a silk scarf. She put on her earrings and her favorite pendant, which calmed her, reminding her what she had been through, what she had dealt with in her life, that there were people in her life who needed her.

She wore a below-the-knee beige skirt with a black sweater. Without having breakfast, she left.

It was cool outside, but spring was in the air. The sun was already warming pleasantly. She walked without haste along the streets of the capital, looking around.

When she reached his house, she didn't get up, simply throwing a thick envelope into his mailbox. And then she left as if nothing had happened.

She didn't want to go home. Y/N went for a walk.

She had breakfast in the city, enjoying the solitude. After she spoke out on paper, she felt a little better, but not too much. After breakfast, she went to the museum. Spending time like this helped her calm her nerves. Museums, libraries, theater, concerts... all this perfectly helped her concentrate on something else, forgetting about her problems.

After lunch, she headed home, thinking of cooking at home. She had enough different products at home, she thought about what she could cook to please herself. She bought a bottle of expensive wine for herself for the evening to relax.

She walked up the stairs in her thoughts. And she didn't notice that there was someone at her door.

He sat on the floor, his back resting against her door. His head was bowed, his hair covering his face. In his hands was a bouquet of flowers, several petals fell to the floor.

- Armin?


Armin came to his senses after walking a couple of blocks. He realized how wrong he had been. «Despite how much it hurt me, it wasn't easy for her either... I shouldn't have left like that...»

A week ago.

After a difficult conversation, Armin left, wanting to think. But he couldn't think. It was hard for him after this conversation. Ever since he started dating Y/N, he had a strong picture forming in his head of what their future would be like. A future where they were happy together. They would live in Y/N's apartment, this apartment would become their common home, they would love each other. They would work shoulder to shoulder. Then they would go on a trip together to the most beautiful places in the world. This wouldn't be their last trip. On one of these trips, he would propose to her to become his wife. It would be a warm day, they would be walking along the beach at sunset... Their wedding would also be by the ocean, but on their home island, among their friends, and later at night - they would love each other like the first time.

Girl from Mitras ★ A. ArlertWhere stories live. Discover now