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Wednesday morning

Jace's pov

"Are you okay?" Ashton asks me worriedly.

"Yeah, I'm fine" I answer vaguely.

It's currently 8:35 AM, Ashton and I are sitting in his living room waiting for Adriana to get ready, why can't she take her car?

As much as I want to see her, and talk to her, I have to be distant, I can't let my feelings take over me, I haven't been treating her well, I know that, but that's what I got to do, make her hate me.

"Ugh where is your annoying sister?" I ask rolling my eyes.

"Watch your mouth Jace, it's my sister who you're talking about" Ashton answers glaring at me.

"Well, should I remind you who's the most powerful and strong person here?" I ask playfully.

"You may be at work, but here you're in the real world, in my house, so shut the f**k up before I kick your ass." Ashton says seriously.

"I'd like to see that" Adriana says as she leans on the door frame.

Wait did she listen the 'work' part?!

I give Ashton the 'do you think she heard' look and he does the same "Hum, Adriana how long have you been here?" Ashton asks his nosy sister.

"Long enough to know that jerk face is being his usual imbecile self, no improvement." Every time I hear her call me that, a little part of my heart breaks, I just want to hear my name coming out of her beautiful mouth, Jace.

"Adriana, I'm being serious" Ashton scolds at her.

Adriana's pov

"Adriana, I'm being serious" Ashton scolds at me.

"What? I'm not lying Ashton, I do want to see you kick his ass" I joke, but when I see that he's not laughing I add "I didn't hear anything other than you wanting to kick his ass, why tho? What did he do this time?" I ask raising an eyebrow.

"Can you stop snooping around?" Jerk face asks rolling his eyes.

"The day where I'll stop snooping around is the day where you'll stop being a jerk, so I guess that it's never gonna happen" I shrug.

"Why are you acting like you're 5? Can't you act like the 18 years old you should be!, you can't stand in the same room without insulting each other this" Ashton points at me then at jerk face "Is pathetic, I'm going to wait in my car, so do what you got to do to fix this, talk, explain whatever, all I know is that you need to fix your problems!" Ashton yells as he storms out of the living room.

Great, now I'm standing awkwardly in my living room trying to find a way to escape.

"Look we could just lie-" Jerk face cuts me off "I'm sorry Adriana, oh hum sorry I didn't mean to interrupt you, what were you going to say?" He asks scratching the back of his neck.

"I- hum, I was just going to say that we could simply lie to Ashton, just so we could get outta here" I explain "But that was before you apologize" I quickly add.

"I really am sorry Adriana, I was being a total jerk to you" He continues.

"Well I can't say the opposite, but I was being a total jerk-ess too" I say.

"What's a jerk-ess?" He asks raising his eyebrow.

"Well, I'm a girl I can't say that I'm a jerk, so jerk-ess it is" I say smiling and he chuckles.

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