Finn Balor-Start A Family With You

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There was an expression you couldn't read. Finn washed the dishes, and cleaned the toys, packing it back in the bag. You both sat on the couch, waiting for Becky and Seth to come.

*Knock, Knock, Knock*

You got up and opened the door with a smile. "Hey, y'all had fun?" Becky nodded her head. "Yeah, I'm glad I listened to y'all. It's been a minute since we had alone time." Finn came from behind you with a sleepy Roux, in his hands.

"Hey baby." Becky said, taking her in her arms.

Roux clinged to her Mom, hugging her, and giving grabby hands to her Dad. You smiled at the interaction with the child, wiping a fake tear away. "She was so good today. Taught her some ABC's, we watched TV, played, and she ate some crackers, so you might have to feed her something."

Becky took note of that, handing Roux to Seth. "Uh, Seth, I can help ya with the bag while you take Roux." Finn suggested, leaving you and Becky alone.

You and Becky went to the kitchen, sitting at the island. "Man, when I say y'all got a great daughter I mean it! She's so pretty and so well behaved. I didn't have one problem with her." Becky listened to you speak, smiling at your words.

"Y/n, you and Finn ever talked about having kids? You would be a great mother!" Her question made you freeze. You haven't really thought of that, but now that she's saying something, it's making you think otherwise.

"Well in the beginning of our relationship, yeah I did, but with our schedules so hectic and plus I'm 34, don't you think that's a little too late?" Becky's eyes grew wide. "Late? Oh god no Y/n, that's perfect. I had Roux at 33 and she's the best thing that's ever happened to me."

You took in her words. "Do you want a child?" You stayed silent, but nodded your head. You weren't one to talk about your feelings much, but watching Roux sparked something inside you.

You wanted that future.

"Then talk to him. I'm sure Finn will say yes. The way he looks at you says it all." Just then, the door opened back up, you and Becky ending the conversation. Finn came around the corner with a nervous look on his face. "Seth's waiting for you." Finn informed Becky.

Becky stood up, waking to the door. She gave you one last basically saying, 'talk to him.' The door closed and locked, you and Finn sitting in silence. You were first to get up, trying to walk to the room, but Finn stopped you.

"Baby, can we talk?" You froze in your spot with a small nod. You both walked to the bedroom, sitting on the bed. "I just wanna talk to you about something." He started off.

"First off I wanna say you don't have to agree with this, I'm just suggesting something." He paused, grabbing your hand, rubbing circles on your knuckles.

"We've been together for over 10 years now and I think it's time we brought another human into the world. Now you don't have to, it's your body, your decision, but I want a baby, I want a kid that we can love, cherish, and protect, and I want it with you."

You listened to his words, tears brimming your eyes. "I'll give you time to think about it, but I'm ready. The way you handled Roux today, made me see something. You would be an great mother, I want that with you, but like I said, it's your decision."

Finn finally let go of you, getting ready to stand up, but you grabbed his arm. "Babe." You whispered. "I want that too. I want a baby." Finn quickly leaned down, engulfing you in a hug. You felt something wet on your neck, tears from Finn.

He held you gently before pulling back. "You wanna try tonight?" You nodded your head, pulling him down on the bed. You both were in a soft kiss, Finn's hands trailing up and down your body.

WWE ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora