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Noori is playing on the play mat while rhymes play in the background, I peek he suckles his fist and drools down his chin. 

The doorbell rings indicating Taehyung is here. 

I am suddenly inspired by the sound and walk as fast as I can to the door.

I gasp in shock, what happened to his face?

 What is all this? 

He gives me an impassive glance and steps in. 

"What happened to your face Taehyung?" I ask shocked and upset with everything that's been happening around me these days. 

He doesn't reply and walks straight to the bedroom, my scalp prickles. 

I trail behind him. 

"Did you get into an argument with someone? what happened to you Taehyung?" I almost plead and he just ignores my existence and rummages in the cupboard for the first aid kit. 

I snatch it out of his hold he glares down at my teary eyes.

The aching look in his eyes hasn't left. Yet. 

He takes a seat on the chair, at least he is not behaving intractable like he usually is. 

He stares hard at the table gritting his teeth at me, I frown at him. 

He creases a brow and for a moment a cherished memory of angry, grumpy, frowning Taehyung pops into my mind. 

He would be just like this. 

Although it was hard, it was amusing. 

I tilt his face and he stares at my lips and licks his lips hard. 

I flush. 

He scowls back stiffening his neck, I clean his wounds his eye is purple, his chin bears a small cut, his eyebrow bears a cut too, Jeez, and his nose... 

Taping his wounds up I steal glances at him, he notices it and ignores it. 

Gathering all the used Q-tips I examine the blood on the cotton ball.  

Oh no, it's his blood. 

Who did this to him? 

"Why won't you tell me what happened?" I whisper and a tear escapes. 

He scorns "Bet you are sad that I am still alive Y/n" he mocks, I gaze up at him warily his lip curls, it's a disturbing curl of his lip rather than a true smile

He hasn't rubbed that eerie smile off his face, my hand raises slapping him across his cheek his face turns down and that smile vanishes, my breathing is ragged. 

When he looks up he is shocked and provoked "How more shameless could you be to say such a thing?!" I hiss at him. 

"Shameless? Isn't that what you want!?" He snarls back grabbing the back of my head and pulling my face close to his, our noses almost touching.

I groan snatching myself away from him, "No! I want you!" I yell back at him and his lips part as he inhales sharply, then his face transforms into a frustrating yet loving one, and his hands are suddenly fisting into my hair and his mouth is on mine I am on his lap. Shakily resting my hands on each of his shoulders I pull him closer. 

"You're mine!" he growls and my cheeks heat. 

"Always yours" I mumble back, our tongues dancing and curling together. 

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