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The background is quiet, it's almost just me and her here. I bought her to Jimin's exclusive Paulo branch which is close to lotte world and serves the best pancakes. It's seven-thirty in the evening, and she hasn't cried after that, I am glad she hasn't cried. 

We slide into the last booth, it was my choice, she has been quiet and hasn't used her mouth at me yet. Impressive as she looks, I run my eyes on her. Her looks derail me on a whole different level, does she have any idea how much her presence affects me? I am affected by a woman! 

And that woman is none other than Y/n. 

She makes me nervous and conscious. In the time we've been apart, maybe she's finally recognized that she has power. Power over me, she is watching me quietly her hands twisting on her lap. 

I clear my throat for the fourth time, wow I am less man and more nervous around her, just the thought of her makes me stiff and I keep my expression neutral before her. Fair six minutes of staring at each other, I pull up the menu card and go through it, her eyes enlighten and she is comfortable watching me knowing my eyes aren't seeing her's anymore. 

If that's what she wants. 

I wonder if she noticed the changes, perhaps she is noticing them while I am pretending to look into the menu, having a battle about my appearance that has changed from what it was before, she thinks it's better to wage a war and fight with her own opinions than to ask me herself if I have started hitting the gym. 

Amusing as it is, bearing in my mind on what terms we arrived here, I look out for the waiter and he approaches our table with a slow irritating stroll, what is he? is he eighty-year-old? he can't walk any fast than that? I scowl in his direction and fix it immediately conscious of Y/n's eyes on me hasn't ripped off me since then, seems like she is enjoying it. "Good evening what can I get--" I interrupt him, he can be eighty-year-old elsewhere I scoff rolling my eyes internally.

"We'll have one serving of blueberry buttermilk pancakes, another of multigrain original pancakes topped off with strawberries if you have any and no sugar, with one urban chocolate hot coffee with sugar, and classic apple juice with no sugar"  

He takes time writing it all, "try not dusting any sugar into my strawberry pancakes" I mumble and he looks at me with a mortified expression and giggles nervously "I can get that' Sir, anything else?" 

"nothing thanks" I dismiss him and he runs away. It's just us again, finally, she has shifted from that position, her hands are over the table and I swallow seeing her fingers empty, so she decided to take the ring off. She stiffens immediately reacting to my eyes on her. 


"You aren't wearing your ring?" I ask breaking the longest silence ever, and she hides her hand under the other and nods, "I took it off last night" her voice is guilty and low.

I sigh, okay she took off the ring, sent me the annulment with Rain, and asked me to sign them this morning it's been fairly no more than an hour since I received them. She relaxes comfortably "You took it off last night... and where is it?" she does not look tensed like she was moments ago. 

She fishes in her cardigan pocket and produces a small velvet knot bag and pushes it to my end, I examine the bag and shove it into my pocket, she looks at my fingers in a vague attempt to guess why I did that searching for the now absent ring which is in my pocket she doesn't question. 

"I'll keep it with me" I mumble to suffice her confusion and relax her from being bothered by the ring, "I thought we were going to talk, you seem grumpy" she talks almost in a whisper. In a flash my eyes are upon her she tightens her hands knotting them together on her lap almost turning pale.

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