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My morning is far more worst can I ever think of, I just couldn't keep a track of the time that I had to rush to the office almost 40 minutes late. I groan inwardly upon seeing angry Jimin walking into my cabin with no permission asked. "Out of all the days Mr.Kim you have decided to show up late?" he barks banging a fat file used for accounts on my desk I jump "Jimin... Christ, I overslept..." I mumble and he hisses "Fine, now if you could just get ready we have a meeting with the Sharks and co. they arrived at 4 in the morning at Incheon Airport right now they are on the way to our office" he gave me the shock of my life. 

What the fuck? was I informed the new company team was coming today? what the bloody hell?? "Mr. Kim Taehyung! what now? don't tell me you forgot they were coming!" he says taking a complaining tone I am fucked up for sure. I am out of words that I just sighted in front of a pissed man and he pleasingly gazed at me "For a few hours could you leave your lovely wife's thoughts and put your mind here? it would be helpful for all the 7000 of us working for the company or we would end up begging" I scowled at him before grabbing the papers underneath the accounting file and walking past him. 

"I told you it's just that I overslept!" I tell again stern and incisive, he shrugs he is vouchsafed from hell straight that I am being on my last note of activity today sure he's done with me. "Whatever, they will be here anytime the common meeting hall is ready they await your arrival, now it would be great if you came along we've got no time for being a spoony" I glaze my half-sleepy eyes over the printed sheet of paper with all the agendas of the meeting for today. 

Since the company has just arrived I don't think we could discuss much of business with them, maybe powdering over some details on what the estimation value, and how the work is divided will do a better job and most likely a confined meeting just between the company head, team head and secretary that would really do. 

I am being dragged down by Jimin in the elevator to the 11th-floor common meeting room, just sliding open the door I find the board of directors and managers, and of course, now that I am here it's 'complete'. I am quick to bow back and take a seat in the middle lifting my cuff y eyes watching the dial on my wrist ticking "Fill these empty glasses with water, why are they empty?" Jimin points out and from the corner of the table Mr Wong gets up fetching some butlers as ordered. 

I wonder what my Y/n would be doing right now? probably breaching her belly with oils? I am too leisurely to be drawing a doodle on the back of the agenda papers simply so that it helps me concentrate on my work, but else is working for me. I really have to see her even though I left her back in Daejeon and it's been just yesterday since I was back in Seoul I can't get her out of my mind. 

This is worst than every force being exerted on earth, some curtailing lazy conversations around me the people were the only disturbance other than her presence in my thoughts. Fuck it I am texting her at least! 


Good morning, have you had your breakfast? 

The best I could come up with was just that, at least she would know I care about her eating habits, and yeah I did warn her parents a little over exaggerating that her health condition is poor and that she should never be eating treats, my smirk widens evilly "Send her nudes later they have arrived get up" and fades immediately. 

Seriously this Jimin bitch has to ruin everything I do, I scowl behind his short ass back and follow him to the door. There I see through the transparent glass a set of new faces being escorted to the floor we are in by San and some other, I straighten my tux handing the paper back to Jimin he shoves it down his pocket throwing daggers at me. 

1 tall bold looking woman who didn't suit the surrounding of 'formal' and another thin innocent looking long loose haired pretty woman accompanying her behind I suppose they are the company, let's watch the show then. I am amusing myself way too much to an obdurate adamant point. 

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