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I finished the work and went down to check on her while she was cooking humming that old cartoon's title song, I made my way to her she saw me coming and yelled "Taehyung Taehyung come here ... Fasttttt" she told as if she wanted to show something I furrowed my eyebrows "FASTER" She yelled I jogged to her.

She showed me the sunny side ups which looked like double heart .... Like seriously? Did she just make me jog from there to show this? What the...
"See see it looks like a heart I didn't even do it, it formed by itself" she told happily looking at me.

While I had an 'i am done' expression on my face, but she was cute "It looks good sweetheart" I told not to sound like a cold ass she scowled and told "lair, you were not even surprised" she told and looked away chopping the shallots.

"No I was just expecting something else like something big but 2 hearts is incredible" she stopped cutting and showed me the knife while I gulped "Y/n for the love of God" She fake glared making her look cute and angry I laughed "don't laugh" she told tracing her finger over the knife pointing at me.

"Look it's not good for you so ..." She cut me off "I will slit you into 2 halves" she told boldly all full confidence "couldn't cut one raw banana stem a week ago, and ended up asking me for a help and here she is all double bold" I mocked her. She came closer and squinted her eyes making her look angry "don't tease me you will regret" she told trying to mimic all gangster type while looking like a chipmunk.

"Yeah I won't but might later if you burn the eggs" I told " OH MY GOD MY EGGS" she yelled and threw the knife on the counter and went to the stove while I laughed She screamed and grabbed a plate to serve them. While I laughed 'my eggs' it seems... "All because of you, my eggs look fried" she told blaming me having a sad look worried like her life was on those eggs which she called them her's...

"Don't even try to butter me go away" she yanked my hand that was stroking her belly she sauté the pasta she wanted to eat that and I wanted it in garlic flavor... She agreed to make it. "Weren't you in the middle of murdering me" she turned around and quickly pressed her hand on my mouth from preventing me to talk I furrowed my eyebrows "don't even say such a thing I will never bring myself to do that" she told concerned I genuinely felt warm at her words.

Her cheeks turned red when I leaned closer "Is it? And why is that you can't? I asked my tongue poking my cheek "n-no means no that's all" she told and quickly turned to do her work. "Someone is 'bushing' "I told and laughed hard. It was a joke between me and her of telling bushing instead of blushing...

She laughed and I let her do the work I don't want her to burn her self down because she gets distracted when I lay my hands over her.

She asked me about work and I was explaining "Sometimes there will be other investors who see experienced investors and follow them" she nodded her head listening carefully.

I like how she listens to anything I tell her, she is a post graduate she completed her studies in Linguistics and Foreign Languages from the same University I studied from. even before she attended her graduation ceremony she was engaged to me. 

I remember how ethereal she looked that day she was not much of a person who was into make up she was more into self care, cooking, reading books was her thing and not like the others.

It makes me wonder how someone of her age who is nothing more like a teenager can behave exceptionally like a decent women of any man's desires.

 she asked me "Then what if they don't get the results they looked for, just by following someone one no matter how much they are experienced what if the market goes down all of a sudden?" She asked while helping herself with more pasta.

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