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"The optical behaviour of it is simple--" my phone buzzes in my pocket disrupting my sentence I scowl at the screen and excuse myself before continuing "The optical behaviour of this lessens the refractive index which helps--"  


My phone rings in my pocket all fourteen pairs of eyes are on my blinking pocket. I sigh before fishing the device of irritation out of my pocket just to see Park Jimin's name on it. 

He hasn't shown up to the office, he informed me he wouldn't come just in the morning due to the late-night errands he ran. 

I disperse the thought before excusing myself and taking his call "Jimin yes?" I mumble in a low tone. 

"Look we got no time just listen... I got the footage Jungkook and I trimmed all the parts and mailed it to your personal mail ID check it now" 

"What? No! I can't I am in the middle of work, I'll check it once I am done with it" 

"You check it now Kim Taehyung, is work important or your life important?" he scolds me 

"Work" I mumble before hanging up. 

Before turning to the same place as before to put an end to this lengthy meeting but Park Jimin has other plans my phone buzzes and he texts me 


Are you watching the footage? 

I don't think you are. 

Aren't you going to reply? 

I switch the screen off and continue with the meeting and Jimin doesn't seem to stop. I don't know what he is trying to prove with the footage, he has no patience and my patience is evaporating reading his texts. My phone lights up again for the nth time


 Woah you don't even care about the footage after I almost bet my life to get it? 

It's Ryu... 

your ex slipped that GHB into the shots you did with her! 

I stop in my tracks my mouth hangs in the air. My desire to finish the meeting has been gravely questioned on its end. I don't think with the piece of text that I received from Jimin is going to let my mind alone, but with whatever little courage I could I stir up a quick explanation and my curious self fights for concentration. 

I shove my phone down my pant pocket and think about Y/n's face. It helps me greatly because I promised I would take her to Halmoni in the evening. Yes, we are driving to Incheon for the weekend. 

My inner soul lingers around in thoughts and I think the creature beside me that is Yeon Mi has an idea I am disturbed by something that's running through my mind after the call. 

The minute the meeting finishes I escort myself back strictly from wasting no time I got to check my emails and I find myself isolated before a zoomed-in clip of Ryu looking around before slipping something into one of the shots and then giving it back to the waiter. She approaches me next and we are doing shots. 

And it all takes just a minute to do, I rewind and watch it until I am enough frustrated "That wench" the words mindlessly leave my mouth and I slam the screen of my laptop my phone rings this time yet again and I am damned by the ugly sound of it and fish it out of my pocket just to see Y/n's name. 

My breathing is ragged and my face looks mad as fuck. But somewhere behind my mind, all that anger vanishes into thin air for Y/n. 

For my lovely wife. 

My love. 

"Hello?" I breathe as the line connects. 

A quite delightful sigh from her side "Hello..." she mumbles shyly. 

I can imagine her biting that lip I want to ravish and bite it harder. 

"Yes, tell me" 

"um you called me first" she replies. I frown at the screen of my phone. 

Fuck, yeah I called her. But why didn't she pick up? 

"Yes, why didn't you pick it up?" I ask my tone furiously annoying. I regret my tone greatly. 

"I was... t-taking bath..." she tells breathily, fearing my anger. I subside the urge to slap myself for putting her through too much at once. 

CLAIM MY LOVE | Kim Taehyung | Park JiminWhere stories live. Discover now