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It was a week since the course of events that altered my life may be for good, bad, best or worst. 

When I look at Y/n the feeling isn't similar, it's different, it's growing, and it's expanding within me. Sometimes my emotions towards her are vulnerable, and at times nothing really matters. After all, that's life. 

Now seeing her every day with a different feeling in my heart which I most certainly do not know to characterize and read it well it hasn't developed to a point I can surely tell if it's attraction or just a person I care about. 

But I feel the spark between us, at times I am lost in her. And she is in mine, I am uncertain of what I feel about her while she looks at me with yearning. I haven't slept properly since the day I knew the results of my blood sample. Not even when Y/n sobbed quietly and kissed my face as though she loved me to the core of her heart. 

We haven't upgraded to an exclusive relationship but whatever this is, it is starting. It is the start of whatever and wherever it takes me. Dismissing the thoughts I glance at Y/n and she has noticed me finally she stares at me for a moment assimilating my looks deeply my lips quirk up automatically, ha let's make her squirm I sneer at her partially she smiles and bites her lip getting lost for a brief second before she stirs back and shakes her head snapping out and then dips her nose into the book that she has been aiming to complete. 

We haven't spoken much, and she has been keeping the conversations at bay for the safer side, well I must kick myself for all those times she tried to initiate a conversation and I would dismiss her away considering it a waste of time. 

Fuck me, I can't even read her mind. She has been quiet than usual, I pin my tie in place before pushing it through my waistcoat and give it a tug before propelling my cuff links and slipping my grey mist tuxedo on. 

She bends curiously into the book and innocently the loose straps of her top slip she is quick to pull them up and look up through the mirror and is stuns at the sight of me. I shove my hands in my pocket and cross my legs with a smug resided on my face she tilts her head her lips part open she stares into me completely I blush. 

Oh, she has the same effect I have on her. 

She snaps out and gets up curtly, "Lapel pin!" she exclaims reminding me, she holds her hand out with the triangular pin head I brush all my five fingers and take it she squirms. Mission accomplished. Pining it to my right lapel I turn my back to her and walk away sneering at the stairs, your husband is evil Y/n. She follows me downstairs with her book and goes straight to my office, I wait beside the lawn for her to hand me my bag. 

She sprints to me her eyes disarming as ever wide as she approaches me, she hands it to me and yes before I leave... "I might be late, call me if there is anything" I inform she nods sadly knotting her fingers behind her back with her eyes fixed on the ground and her eyebrows knit. 

I wait for her to realize that she's got a distracting mouth and she can put it to good use. A second later she stiffens in place and looks at me with wide eyes "Okay" she forces out of her mouth. 

As much as you love being around me Y/n I've got to show up to work or all the twenty-four thousand employees would suffer a loss.  

With that not being told but only thought I give her a sharp glance and she meets my eyes once more in hope that I would stay but I raise my eyebrows teasing her hopes and walk away to the black car which has been on standby. 

"Good morning, Sir" Eric wishes as soon as I get in and roll the glasses up. 

"Good morning, Eric" I wish him back with a huff and look out of the window to see Y/n standing there like a lost child watching me leave for work she doesn't go in until my car is no more seen. One hell of a woman I married. 

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