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=Sound village; Kabuto=

After taking as much time as his disposable units were able to give him; Kabuto made what he felt was the best plan possible for his victory. Something he thought he was more than capable of gaining with both his new found power, undead troops, and advanced daku that remained in his possession. But now was the time that he had to prove it with warning calls going through the entire village stating the allied forces attack was finally upon them.

With this in mind Kabuto calmly walks to the tallest roof of the village which served as their surveillance center. In said center two regular grunts were frantically working with the tech that filled the room before finally noticing him enter.

"S-sir this is bad! From what we can see there is basically the entire army coming at us fast!" one of the grunts called out pointing at the screen in front of him. This screen was rather a form of radar than using chakra sensors like the rest of the villages normally did. For while they had better technology with what they were focused on they didn't really have any people with the special ability to sense chakra to spare. After all most of their people were the misfits and criminals of the world. Why would someone who has a rare ability be in one of those categories unless they were truly in a wrong state of mind.

"So, the day has finally come then? Well, no matter I have finished my plans." Kabuto states calmly. He then wasted no time finding the various leaders who were at obviously rather busy at the moment. Still, they all knew better than to cross Kabuto now and left the front lines and found themselves in a meeting room all together. Of course, they were all upset but thankfully they didn't have to wait long for Kabuto to show up.

"I know all of you want to go back to your own squads so I will keep this short. I am ordering all of you to bring all of your men back into the village immediately." Kabuto states meeting immediate grumbling.

"What the hell do you mean bring them back!? The only reason that we are still able to even meet like this is thanks to the grunts out there! Not to even mention Orochimaru-sama has yet to show up even though he gave you the upgrade you have." One of the leaders states with a glare. For as far as all but one of them knew; Orochimaru was still locked up in his room and only left to give Kabuto his new snake upgrade.

"Heh now I never said that I would simply let the enemy walk into our village as well. After we bring back all of the lackies that are out there we finally will use the remainder of the daku to thin their numbers as much as they possibly can. I will let those mindless creatures run wild with only ordering them to kill all humans. So, if you happen to ignore my order…well I won't be held accountable for your losses." Kabuto tells them with a wicked smile. He knew that the daku would have no chance of actually fulfilling the mission they were given they will at least thin the heard before they are dealt with. After all, rather than being controlled by a human giving them a sort of path to follow. This time they will be acting more like wild beasts. Beasts that want nothing but to kill the closest thing that isn't part of their pack. Hearing this the leaders quickly agreed and followed the plan. For even if it failed, they didn't lose anything but what they already considered to be mindless monsters.

So, before long the orders was spread through the troops and followed. Leading to the allied forces gaining quite a bit of ground practically cheering as they felt the enemy finally broke and their will to fight crumbling by the moment. This led to them being rather close to the gates of the sound village as the last man quickly ran through the slightly opened doors. But just as they were about to break down the walls and finish the job; the doors to the village blew open wide and out poured loads of daku of all levels. Something that easily surprised the allied forces causing those in the front lines to quickly either fall or be infected by the blood's abilities.

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