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Training ground; morning~

*huff, huff* "I feel it I am nearly there!" Naruto told his teachers as he tried to catch his breath. "Let's go again. I'll get it this time!"

"Hmm, maybe you are right. But I think Yamato needs another break." Kakashi told him as he looked up from what had to be his third book he took out since they started this training. Course Naruto wanted to try and argue with him but you clearly see how tired the wood user was even though he tried to hide it as always.

"Fine let's take a break for some breakfast." Naruto grumbled accepting the fact that he wouldn't be able to finish right away. So, instead he decided it was finally time for them to fix the problem they all had. With that being said Kakashi closed his book for the first time in ages and began to walk out of the training grounds.
"Now that sounds like a great idea." Kakashi says with an eye smile and soon had Naruto following him back to the village.

"Hehe, you guys go on ahead…just bring something back for me." Yamato tells them with a weak wave. He then waited until they were out of sight before allowing himself to pass out and finally begin to try and recover from his chakra exhaustion.


"So, you up for ramen?" Naruto asks Kakashi with a smile while ignoring the look he got from Kakashi.

"…maybe next time." Kakashi tells him deciding not to fight against his student's addiction at the moment and instead simply push the matter off for another day. In doing so he managed to get Naruto to eat something proper for once. So, when they entered a random restaurant Naruto was quick to pick a meal that was rather large to be considered a light breakfast before training while Kakashi went with a simple meal and held back his desire to shake his head at the antics of his student. "Even now when both of my remaining students are nearing my level or even past it already they still act like the same brats at times." Kakashi thought with a smirk under his mask. "Still I am glad I got them…especially seeing as I get an upfront view of Sensei's son growing up. You would be proud of him Minato-sensei, Kushina-sensei…well maybe you would cause some havoc if you learned he was having a harem." Kakashi thought with a chuckle knowing that Naruto's mother was never a fan of the CRA…thus why Minato didn't take the offer when he got it.

(AN: In my story while yes it's clear that Minato trained them they also met and worked with Kushina a bit as well…I have no clue if this is right in the actual show but it doesn't matter. In this FICTIONAL story made off the Naruto series it is)

After thinking this few words were spoken between student and teacher as they simply enjoyed their food. After all due to Naruto's craze of wanting to train till he dropped neither one had ate all that much during the training. Sadly though before Kakashi could completely finish he was summoned to see Tsunade making him sigh and put down his chopsticks.

"Well Naruto I guess I will meet you back at the field. Remember to get something for Yamato." He told the blond with an eye smile before quickly disappearing. It was only a minute or two later until Naruto realized what Kakashi did.

"HEY! That bastard left without paying his part of the bill." Naruto growled before taking out his frog wallet and looking at it sadly. "You might get a bit skinnier than I wanted you to be after this Gama-chan" Naruto mumbled down to the frog wallet.

~Hokage Tower~

After leaving Naruto Kakashi went to the hokage tower as fast as he could. He then jumped up to her office's window and quickly entered the building without issue seeing as he was expected.

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