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mountain in Suna territory far away from any civilization; cave~

Orochiamaru and Kabuto were currently sitting on rather large rocks completely unconcerned with the several bodies and body parts that were occasionally landing around them.

"It seems that we have succeeded in keeping S rank strength with our newest modifications." Kabuto says with a smirk. He then watches as Deidara fight several of their zombies and end up exploding a clay mine a bit too close to himself causing some shards of rock to cut him.

"Kukuku, it seems that we still need to tweak their programing a bitthough Deidara always has been a bit too wild with his jutsu." Orochimaru add clearly not too upset with this fact.

"Still we are far ahead of schedule" Kabuto says then notices that most of their lower level 'zombies' were now little more than pieces of meat strewn throughout the cave.

"Well then. It seems our newest member has finished his test. Let us return to base and get started." Orochimaru tells Kabuto before quickly going through a few hand seals before slamming his hands onto the ground summoning a few snakes that quickly began eating the chunks of meat in the cave. Thus, removing most evidence that there was anyone was in the cave. Kabuto says nothing about this and simply follows after his master after the man walked past him.

They then walked for several hours at a normal pace until they finally reached a large three that's bottom was covered in a large amount of moss. Seeing this Kabuto quickly walked up the tree and pushed his chakra into it in several different areas while Orochimaru stood still. Finally, after doing this six times there was a faint blue glow under the moss and a second later a chunk of the moss popped up showing there was a door there the whole time. A door Kabuto quickly opens up letting Orochimaru pass without having to touch anything before finally walking through himself allowing the door to shut automatically behind him.

As soon as the door shut dozens of torches automatically lit up giving a small amount of light in the dark stone pathway. Still the creepy hallway didn't bother either of them in the slightest as they continued down various hallways until they finally reached a large room where several people in white coats were present focusing on the various materials on tables strewn throughout the room.

"Reachers can I have your attention!" Kabuto calls out making all of the men and women turn to him. With that being done Kabuto turns to Orochimaru and bows.

"Thank you Kabuto-kun. Now Scientist as much as I hate to interrupt your studies, I have a task for all of you that must be done with utmost haste. Operation black blood is in need of immediate update in order to create the strongest army possible. Do this and I promise that all of you will be allowed to continue your studies without fear of retribution." Orochimaru tells them with a large smile. He then turns to Kabuto. "I am going to my do my own personal lab. I trust that you will make sure that they will keep on trackand feel free to use Deidara in the studieshe never was the most useful of Akatsuki members." Orochimaru tell the younger man with a chuckle before walking off.

Kabuto then moves to an empty table and unrolled a large scroll and released several scrolls from it. "Here are several copies of our study. Now get to work." Kabuto orders the group before going to an empty area to begin working himself.

AN: For Orochimaru's base in this story he has collected dozens of 'mad scientists' to help him with his random tests. These scientists are all labeled mad due to doing research on topics or in was that are frowned at by most people. Orochimaru gives them an area they can do whatever studies they wish as long as they listen to him and also help him out with his own studies as well. He keeps their trust by making them believe that he is fighting to create an area where they all could do their own studies without having any fear of people interrupting them or hunting them for it. Meanwhile just like the rest of his subjects they all are of minimal value for the snake who would happily use them for anything he needs if the situation arises.

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