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After Bee removed Orochimaru's head and celebrated the rest of the allied forces that stayed close enough to watch began to cheer as well. Though when reviewed later on all of these ninja would state that they were "making sure the enemy stayed away from the battle" instead of forgetting to try and help the rest of the areas fighting.

"It's over?" Naruto couldn't help but think surprised. "I didn't think that a victory would be that easy but you just can't survive having your head being removed….right" Naruto thought to himself but for some reason it just didn't sit right with him. He kept his eyes on Orochimaru's body and was both shocked and disturbed to see several snakes come out of each end and connect part and enter the other torn section. They then disappeared as they seemed to pull the pieces together. "Ok that is just disturbing." Naruto muttered but quickly shook of his disgust. "Bee watch out he somehow isn't dead yet!" Naruto yelled out to his teammate who looked back at Orochimaru just in time to see the 'healing' process finish.

"Yo what a freak show." Bee muttered as he saw Orochimaru's body now as if it didn't have its head torn off.

"I will admit that out of all ninjas I have seen throughout my life this man may be one of the most disturbing but if he really isn't dead you can't just let him gather himself again." The eight tails told Bee who quickly nodded and he pulled four of his blades out and threw them at Orochimaru who was starting to try to stand.

These blades pierced through his arms and legs just below the joints pinning him back to the ground.

"Oh so you managed to notice Naruto-boy." Orochimaru complimented ignoring the weapons. He then opened his mouth wide and disgusted those watching even more as hands appeared out of his mouth and a 'new' Orochimaru began to come out rather quickly.

But this time Naruto came up to him just as he was about to fully leave the now disintegrating body with a rasengan already formed in his good hand. He then pressed it into Orochimaru's chest launching the man into a few trees close to their area. After this blow Orochimaru quickly regained himself and this time quickly created yet another new 'him' that this time sped away. After he was a good ways away from the Jinchuriki he finally stopped and looked back at the two of them.

"Oh it's two against one and you still won't even let me recover? How un-honorable of you two." He told them with a smile still on his face.

"As if there was such a thing like honoring your enemy in this world." Bee states darkly not even slightly bothered by the statement.

"Bee I know you were holding back seeing as it would be harder to keep your allies safe but this doesn't seem like an enemy you can do that with." The eight tails states getting a nod from Bee in their mental domain.

"As much as I will hate to hear about it from big bro I can't let this go. It's time for you to feel the rage of the killer Bee. Wheeee" Bee calls out quickly forming his chakra cloak. He then wastes no time rushing straight at Orochimaru creating a crater where he pushed off of and where he lands after Orochimaru dodged.

Seeing this happen Naruto tries his best to ignore the throbbing pain in his arm and tried to cloak himself in his charka armor. Something that he managed to do but there were visible tremors as he struggled to keep up the focus needed to keep it up while moving. But this didn't stop him from running up to try and help his partner. And while the damage to the area around them drastically increased they still were unable to damage Orochimaru more. It seemed that they were yet again at a stalemate as if the snake themed man wasn't taking the fight serious at first.

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