CH-26 Romance

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"Come on Hinata you nearly beat them all." Naruto called out to the girl trying to motivate her as she faced off against the last twenty of her clone enemies. Course by now she was soaked in sweat and panting heavily as she watched her opponents for their next attack. For while Naruto was kind and wanted to protect his precious people, he also understood that the better they were the safer they would be so he was trying to make sure the fight was as real as possible.

"This is crazy. All I wanted to do was have some alone time with my Naru-kun and here I am barely standing while fighting his clone army. Though now I see why his jutsu is so heavily guarded in that scroll; its power is way too much for anyone. After all, with someone with a lot of chakra like Naruto they literally become one man armies." Hinata couldn't help but think as she dogged attacks as much as she could while being slowed down by fatigue. For by now even though she was sore and completely exhausted she was determined to beat all of the clones. It also helps that after that she would be able to take a break and finally get the talk she wanted to have.

+forty minutes later+

"Haaah" Hinata screamed out as she landed a hit finally against the last clone while now feeling her vision get blurry every now and then. "I did it." Hinata mumbled out now not even caring that she is even less Hyuga than she normally did.

"Way to go Hinata!" Naruto happily called out to the tired girl while running up to talk to her. Course by the time he got there Hinata's balance failed her and she fell over, though thankfully Naruto managed to catch her before she hit the ground. "Hinata! Are you ok!?" Naruto asked the unconscious girl before finally sensing her chakra and noticing just how low it currently was. "Oh, Hinata why did you let me and my clones push you that hard if you were already way to tired? Well at least you only have a mild case of chakra exhaustion….So for now just enjoy your well earned rest." Naruto thought as he moved Hinata so she was comfortably laying on his lap while he leaned against a tree. He also was running his hand through her hair as he looked down at her. "Damn it though why didn't I notice you needed a break sooner. I am a chunnin now so I need to make sure I keep my teammates safe. I need to work on sensing things even while I practice other things." Naruto thought annoyed with himself but still didn't move from where he was sitting. A position he quickly got comfortable and simply tried to enjoy the day as he waited for Hinata to wake up no matter how long it took.

+A while later+

When Hinata finally began to wake up the first thing she could fee was just how tired her body still felt. For while she felt a bit better that before she still would have to rest for longer to get her chakra levels back to normal. Due to this she couldn't help but want to stay where she was seeing as the warmth and comfort of her pillow was drawing her back to sleep. Sadly for the tired girl her curiosity got the best of her and she opened her eyes to figure out what happened after she passed out. Though all thoughts were lost from the girl after she focused her vision again; and was treated to seeing Naruto looking peacefully up at the clouds with the suns shinning down on him.

To her this was the perfect view that left her memorized as she simply stared at the blond that had a small smile on his face. Though soon enough he turned and faced her.

"Oh good you finally woke up." Naruto told her with a small smile at her before frowning. "Sorry for pushing you too hard." He then mumbled out.

"Naru-kun don't be upset I am the one that asked for your help." Hinata told her upset boyfriend.

"Yes. To help but not to push you past your limits."

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