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Note: I am not going to put Team Gai facing their copies seeing it simply seemed to be an afterthought in the anime. So just know that everyone won in the way that you saw.

After the girls battle Sakura was lost in her thoughts about the small amount of information. Though she quickly pushed those thoughts to the side for the moment and simply followed the rest of the girls as they walked to where the entrance of the cave was. They then saw that the guys finally were back with Gaara's body being held gently in Naruto's arms. Said blond clearly was upset with losing his 'brother'.

"Gaara" Temari mutters clearly just as upset as Naruto. At this point Team Gai rushed to the scene all looking banged up a bit but otherwise doing good. They all were fully prepared to fight until they saw their team standing around the clearly dead form of Gaara.

"So we were too late" Tenten muttered. Though this was ignored as Chiyo walked over to Naruto.

"Boyset him down here." Chiyo ordered Naruto.

"Huh, why would I do that?" Naruto asks her. Instead of responding she sends a glare at the blond who relented and did as she ordered. So, he gently laid his friend on the ground and took a few steps back as the old woman knelt down beside his body and began to do several hand signs.

"Lady Chiyo?" Temari mutters confused.

"..I have decidedI am going to bring Gaara back." Chiyo tells them shocking them all as her hands began to glow as her jutsu started.

"W-what do you mean!" Naruto asks shocked just as mostly all of them were.

"Over the years I created a jutsu to give life to something to help my grandsonbut as the girl knows that isn't really possible anymoreso I will help the new generation." Chiyo tells them all.

"But you will die!" Sakura says shocked.

"I have lived a full life girland I reluctantly have to admit that it was a pleasure to spend time with the second coming of my nemesis." Chiyo admits while still continuing her work.

"Lady Chiyo" Temari begins to say only to get the older woman to send a look at her stopping she was going to say. "thank you." She mutters letting the women do as she wished. The rest of the group did the same with most still not fully understanding what was going on but wisely let their teammate do what she felt she needed to do. Chiyo continued her jutsu for about a minute or two before she felt her chakra reserves begin to fade which showed as her hands began to lose their glow. "No. Please kami let this old women use her last moments for one last gift for my village." Chiyo thought sadly as she tried to keep the jutsu going. As she went through this mental struggle she felt someone cover her hands making her look over and see Naruto looking at her. He then wordlessly begins to pump chakra onto his own hands letting it pool around them. "This boy" Chiyo things surprised as she realized what he was doing. She then quickly began to siphon off some of his chakra allowing her jutsu to return with the same strength it originally was.

Everyone then watched as Chiyo's jutsu took affect for a few minutes until finally the glowing stopped from the older women's hands and she shakily watched as Gaara's chest began to move as he breathed yet again. "Let's hope the new generation truly bring new great things to this world." Chiyo thinks as she felt her exhaustion take her. She let herself close her eyes and peacefully passed away. As this happens Naruto catches her body and gently sets it down on the ground wanting to respect the elderly women.

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