CH-7 Chunin Exams Begin

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Naruto slowly woke up and did his final preparations for the chunin exam before calmly walking to the academy. He then sat down on his old favorite swing set to wait for his teammates to show up.

"So, it is about to begin" Naruto thought then let his thoughts wander around trying to figure out what would happen as he stared at the building itself.

"Well kit I imagine you will have to kill a few kids and then cut up a few more" the Kyuubi told him happy that Naruto will have to cause even more bloodshed.

'Really, now you decide to pester me again?' Naruto asked annoyed. 'And you know that I don't like causing unnecessary death!' Naruto mentally yelled out at the fox.

"Well we will just have to change that won't we?" was all Naruto heard then he noticed that Sakura was trying to get his attention.

"Naruto!" she screamed at him annoyed.

"Huh? Oh, sorry Sakura I must have been zoning out." Naruto apologized not wanting anyone to know he could talk to the Kyuubi.

"Damn it Naruto. I was trying to get your attention for at least a couple of minutes. What were you thinking about that intently to not notice me for that long?" Sakura asked annoyed.

"Um…well…things." Naruto told her rubbing the back of his head nervously.

"But what?...You know what? Never mind. Anyways are you ready? Sasuke should be coming in a few minutes so we might as well wait by the door." Sakura told him deciding that she didn't want to bug Naruto about something so stupid when they were all nervous. But, like always she was right and Sasuke came walking confidently down the street towards them soon after Sakura came. They all then walked into the building ready to see what was instore for them.

Though the first thing they noticed was that several teams were bunched up around room 201. Thankfully though all three of them were able to quickly pick up on the fact that there was a small genjutsu on the floor before they got caught up in it as well. Sadly, thought they still had to walk past the group to get to the next staircase causing them to stare at team 7. Thankfully Naruto and Sakura were able to ignore this even as they heard some people start throwing insults at them. Sadly, Sasuke was unable to do the same as the he heard the first comment thrown at him.

"Oy, you idiots what are you doing? The test is over hear." One of them called out causing the rest to laugh hurting Sasuke's pride.

"Sasuke don't. Remember this just means less people will take the test." Naruto whispered to him though he completely ignored Naruto and walked back to the guy until he only stood a foot away from the guy.

"At least I can see through a stupid genjutsu unlike you idiots. Now why don't you just run home seeing as you clearly aren't ready for a test that calls for elites like me." Sasuke told him shocking the boy who looked up at the room number and noticed that the air around it morphed to show 201 instead of 301.

"Oh….well I guess I need to work on something." The kid mumbled embarrassed. "Bah, I knew that I just wanted to see who would want to be my first target and it seems I just found him." he quickly said loudly trying to cover his mistake before deciding to leave the building. Meanwhile the rest of the groups that fell for the trick quickly walked to the proper room instead of following the quitting group.

"Nice job Teme." Naruto growled out at Sasuke as he got close to his teammate clearly annoyed. And although Sakura didn't want to admit it, she wanted to pretty much tell him the same thing knowing that the test easily just became even harder than before.

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