CH-35 Welcome back

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In the past three years all of Naruto's friend have grown up just as much he has. They now all worked hard and became much stronger than they were as children. All of them also managed to rank up to suite their new skills.

=Team 8=

All of team 8 were enjoying a meal at a small tea shop Hinata and Kurenai were sitting on one side of the table with Kiba and Shino on the others side; and of course Akamaru was sitting to the side of the table by Kiba happily snacking on the food Kiba was handing to him.

"Hinata why have you been so happy lately?" Kiba asks his teammate from across the table.

"Well Kiba-kun it is just that Naru-kun will finally be back soon." Hinata told him with a small blush on her cheeks.

"Hmm, you really love him don't you Hinata?" Kurenai asked with a small smile watching the girl squirm in her seat a bit with the blush still on her face. A fact that make the older woman laugh a bit seeing as Hinata normally now was a lot more confident. Though as soon as someone brought up her crush and now boyfriend Naruto she would revert back to being nearly as shy as she was before. "For as much as I was against her dating him it really did benefit her. I mean she went from being the shy little girl I knew to a powerful kunoichi that can be proud of her accomplishments." Kurenai thought still smiling at the fidgeting girl.

"Y-yeaI just hope that he still is the same old Naru-kun.. and notices how much I have changed to finally be able to help him." Hinata told them with her blush deepening as she tried to picture an older Naruto.

"Well Hinata I don't think you need to worry about him noticing your changes." Kiba told her while watching as her massive breast jiggled each time she fidgeted in her seat. "Only Naruto is lucky enough to have her stuck to him. I mean she was one of the cute ones while we were in the academy but who would have guessed that she would become one of if not THE hottest girl around our age. And to make it even worse that lucky bastard was the only one she had eyes for since the very beginning. And the worst part is that she was perfectly fine with sharing him with other girls as well!.Lucky bastard." Kiba thought completely jealous while trying to enjoy the small show he had. That was until he was elbowed in the side rather hard by Shino. "Ow. What the hell Shino?" Kiba growled out quietly.

"You were being perverted to our teammate who is taken." Shino explained quietly to Kiba without the girls noticing. For while Kiba already accepted the fact that his inner pervert was bigger than most people; Shino on the other hand seemed to suppress his and even go as far as to try and suppress Kiba's moments as well.

"Oh, come on Shino I was just enjoying the show that we were given. I mean ever since our team was made we have had two of the hottest people in the village next to us. So what if one of them is taken and the other may be taken they still give great shows just by letting us see their massive jugs giggling with ever slight movement." Kiba explained to him yet again with a quiet perverted giggle imagining both his teammate and team leader without their clothes on.

"Kiba-san you really need to control your perverted tendencies if you ever plan on having an actually relationshipbesides your hand of course." Shino told him with a small smirk on his face at his joke but actually was getting annoyed at having to keep Kiba in check. After all he refuses to let it get so bad that he gets wrapped into being accused of being a pervert just for being friends with Kiba.

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