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Naruto stared at Kakuzu and his creatures making sure not to let them leave his sight while still holding onto Ino. "So this is another member of the Akatsuki…great each one of these guys has to be freaks." Naruto couldn't help but think looking at the stich/mask and the stich/man combo in front of him. He also remembered Kisame and the fact that the man was basically a mutated fish. Still he pushed that thought from his mind and focused on the battle at hand.

"Um, Naruto-kun can you put me down?" Ino asked her boyfriend awkwardly. For while she was glad he was here to help and was one of the people that saved her; they still needed to be completely focused on the battle. Something that she couldn't help with stuck in Naruto's arms.

"Oh, sorry" Naruto told the girl a bit embarrassed that he forgot he was holding her.

"Heh, well what do you know this time waste actually will end up benefiting me." Kakuzu said happily. Through letting a team escape them it not only came back with another bounty to collect but also pulled the jinchuriki out of the village and right into his open arms. "Heh, if this luck continues to go on I might just have to think of the land of fire as one of my favorite places to work." Kakuzu thought seeing as the time waste ended up being a huge time savor for him. With that in mind his masks quickly attacked the ninja with their wires. Said ninja quickly spread out in the process of dodging the attacks while Kakuzu simply watched from afar.

"Damn these things are annoying." Naruto complained about the masks seeing as if he quickly was learning why they had so much trouble with them. If you got close to them they would send out strands of the wire like material at you and would send out a few jutsu. Finally, if they managed to get you in range in-between them then they would send wires at you from nearly all directions. A fact that Yamato found out as he was forced to create a partial wood dome around himself as at least a dozen wires tried to pierce into him.

"Tell me about it." Ino grumbled wanting the monsters to die already.

"Focus you two." Yamato scolded his younger teammates partially annoyed that they would let themselves get even a bit unfocused while facing an S class threat. He them jumped out from behind his dome before he could be attacked again.

"We need a way to kill these thing and focus on Kakuzu…right now all he is doing is letting these things tire us out before he gets involved." Kakashi thinks while rolling to avoid a wires that to pierce through his head and chest. "But how? From what I can see they have no real body so hitting a vital point is impossible but there has to be a way." Kakashi thought before having a quick flash back to watching the first mask come out shattered and soon fall apart. He then formulated a plan off of the idea this memory gave him.

Kakashi then ran at one of the masks head on and quickly was blocked by a large fire ball coming at him. A blast that he easily dodged and changed his target to the other mask while going through several had signs.

"Katon: Fire dragon Jutsu" Kakashi quickly called out launching a massive fire dragon at the mask that in turn had to fire a large blast of water to negate the attack creating a large amount of mist to yet again cover the field. While this covered his tracks Kakashi quickly jumped towards Naruto and whispered a plan to said blond who smiled. Their focus though quickly turned back to the fight as the mist was cleared from a gust of wind.
"Tsk, would you stop wasting my time." Kakuzu told them annoyed seeing as his plan of getting them to exhaust themselves was taking too long in his opinion. Not to mention they seemed to be doing little more than just playing around with his masks attack patterns. "I should speed this battle up, after all time is money…but first." Kakuzu thought mentally commanding his water mask to come to him and re-enter his body. He then let out the air mask that quickly combined with the fire mask to create a double headed creature. Thus ending his annoyance with the Kakashi creating steam to hide.

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