CH-42 Shizuki

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Outside of Konoha+

Two women were currently just a few minutes' worth of a walk till they reached the village.

"Listen I know you are still upset about what happened but this needs to be done…I am sorry." One of the girls told the other clearly not too happy with the idea herself.

"I know it is just too soon…and I don't even know this bastard." The other girl growled out.

"Shizuka! While you may still be upset that is no excuse for insulting people. Especially someone who surely has a lot of sway in this village." The older woman scolded Shizuka.

"Sorry Tokiwa. This whole thing just brings me pain and sadness." Shizuka admitted

"I know but hopefully he will be good for you and help you recover." The older women told her trying to make the depressed girl feel better. "Poor girl. First her loved one dies and now we have no choice but to honor the promise made years ago. A promise that forces her to have to marry someone that she doesn't even know right after such a horrible event." Tokiwa couldn't help but think as they walked but still forced herself to remain neutral so she could finish the mission and not make the girl feel even worse about said mission.

*sigh* "Oh why did it have to happen to you Sagiri-kun. Curse those bastards for taking you away just after we worked so hard to actually be able to be with each other." Shizuka thought sadly as she continued to walk but yet refused to shed a single tear. After all she was a proud kunoichi and refused to let other villages see her as a weak girl; even if she felt like her insides were torn to shreds. This silence stayed between the two of them for the rest of the walk as they both wallowed in their own thoughts till they reached the guards.

"So, what are two kunoichi of Nadeshiko village doing at are gates?" Izumo asked the two girls.

"We are here on a mission that requires us to visit Konoha. Here is our papers." Towia told them before handing them a scroll explaining their mission which had the seal of their village as proof. A scroll that Izumo took and quickly read over with his eyes raising slightly out of surprise.

"Ok this certainly is an…interesting…mission. Though has Lady Tsunade-sama approved of your entry into this village?" he asked after he finished reading the scroll.

"No but surely she will allow such an important mission to continue seeing as it will bring our villages closer together."

"Yes it may do just that. Still we must bring this to the attention of the Hokage before we allow you to pass. Kotestsu take this to Lady Tsunade and explain that these two are here." Izumo ordered his fellow guard who quickly left to do just that. "Sorry Kotestsu but there is no way I am going to explain to Tsunade that Naruto is being 'hunted' by another village….still he is a lucky bastard. I mean the girls he already has have all turned into beauties and now he is having yet another basically brought to him….man I wish I had that luck. Though maybe not with the whole needing to fight for this one." Izumo thought as he watched the girls in front of him.

~Hokage's office~

"Lady Tsunade we have two kunoichi from Nadeshiko standing at our gate." Kotetsu told the women soon after entering her office.

"Huh, what do they want?" Tsunade asked slightly annoyed seeing as she was just woken up from one of her 'productive naps'. Though instead of answering Kotetsu simply handed her the scroll making her slightly curious. She then read through the scroll and finally let out an annoyed groan as soon as she finished. "Why does that damn brat manage to cause me headaches even when I haven't even talked to him today." She thought rubbing her temples. *sigh* "Let them in but make sure they know I don't want this brought into the actual village. They can use a training ground though." Tsunade told Kotetsu who quickly nodded and rushed back to the gate. "Now Naruto I really hope you don't die but my hands are partially tied here. After all if I stop them then would start some bad blood to develop between the villages. And right now we need more allies than enemies with the Akatsuki already moving around causing trouble." She thought before mentally giving herself a reminder to kick Jiraiya's ass for causing this problem to begin with.

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