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Training Field~

"How are you holding up Yamato?" Kakashi asks his friend who seemed to be even more pale than normal.

"I'm fine." Yamato tells him clearly feeling some stress from holding up his jutsu again. For as soon as Naruto got back he was raring to go for another session of training. Thankfully though they managed to talk him out of it just enough that they were able to get some sleep. Course that only was until the sun started rising for as soon as the first rays of sunlight woke him up he quickly woke them up due to it being 'morning'. Since then they spent several more hours watching the blond train with even more clones clearly determined to get this jutsu to work. They didn't know why but this increased enthusiasm was clearly putting a lot of stress on Yamato. Something Kakashi yet again felt bad for seeing as the man was the only one able to use the justsu and he could only be the moral support/spotter.

"I NEED to get this jutsu down. If this really is going to be my trump card against those bastards then I need to be able to use it. I mean if they were able to kill Asuma-san then I need to make sure that I have something that can kill those bastards….for Ino-chan and Konohamaru." Naruto thought determined to have this jutsu in his 'pocket' for when he hunted down the bastards that caused his precious people so much pain. And while he knew he was strong even he didn't expect to be able to face two S class ninja especially when they were dangerous enough to take out one of the villages strongest. With that in mind Naruto refocused and fully planned on training all day long…well as long as Yamato was able to hold up for.

~Kurenai's home~

"Okay Shikamaru you can do this. You were the leader of the team meaning you had to be the one to do this." Shikamaru thought. For he was one of the few people in the village that actually knew of the fact that Asuma was actually off the market. For while he may not have been a widely hated ninja such as Minato Namikaze he still was well known. Not to mention the fact that Kurenai wanted nothing to do with the publicity she would get from dating one of the main members of the Sarutobi clan.

So, instead of letting someone else know to tell her while he grieved he forced himself to come to her house and tell her himself thinking that it was his duty. With that in mind he steeled his nerves as much as he could and knocked on the door.

"Hello" Kurenai said as she opened the door. "Oh, Shikamaru-kun what can I do for you?" She asked him with a small smile.

"Hey Kurenai-san do you mind if I come in?" Shikamaru asked trying his hardest to not sound too depressed.

"Sure.." She told him already sensing something is wrong. Still he walked into the home and saw that both Anko and Hinata sitting in the livening room. "So, what's wrong Shikamaru?"

"Umm would it be possible to speak to you alone?" Shikamaru asked feeling a bit awkward. She simply shrugged and went into the kitchen with Shikamaru following while trying to ignore the two girls sitting there looking curiously at him.

"Well at least she has the two people that can comfort her…" Shikamaru thought knowing that they were two of the girls that spent the most time with her. He then refocused on Kurenai as he reached the kitchen.

"Kurenai…I felt I had to be the one to tell you this. Recently my team went on a mission that ended up going bad. Asuma-sensei tried his hardest to keep us all safe but I am sorry to say that…that he didn't make it." Shikamaru told her with a few tears escaping his eyes as well. He then watched sadly as Kurenai quickly processed what he told her and first looked horrified then began to cry as well.

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