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Council chamber=

After Mifune said this all the kages grew serious with no one speaking for several minutes. Finally, Onoki decided to start them off.

"Well as you all are well aware not only have those darn sound ninja have been running around causing chaos but those black creatures are becoming more prevalent everywhere. I KNOW that my country isn't the only one having problems with these bastards and we must find a way to end it!" Onoki told the council.

"Tsk, as much as I hate agreeing with the old fart those fools are acting way to big for their own good." A grumbles annoyed.

"Indeed. Several of the smaller villages have been completely destroyed by those monsters before any of my ninja even have any chance of giving support. The hunt for culling them has spread my troops far too thin for my own liking." Mei tells them honestly ignoring the muffled surprise of her guards.

"Even in the desert there have been wandering herds of those creatures…they don't seem to have any care even as the desert heat cooks them alive." Gaara states seeing as many of the sand ninja reported the daku walking through the sand with various degrees of burns on their bodies. Burns that seemed to have no real affect on their abilities.

"Mmmhh even we have had some issues with both groups around here. Though all have been dealt with." Mifune states

"And it will only get worse." Tsunade says drawing all their attention to her. "We have raided several of Orochimaru's secret bases and have found out that he and his researchers in the sound village are to blame for the black creatures which they call Daku." Tsunade explains.

"Tsk, of course its Konoha at fault for this mess." Onoki grumbles making Tsunade grind her teeth in rage.

"I have no control over what that bastard does! If I had a chance to do so I would punch him hard enough that he would be nothing but a pile of paste!" Tsunade tells him making the old man just scoff as a reply.

"Anyways as I was saying before a cranky old man interrupted." Tsunade restarted sending a glare at the uncaring man. "We have found a good bit of information from his bases that I would be happy to share with all the villages." Tsunade states handing a small stack of scrolls to Jiraiya who walked to the center of the room. After which each of the leaders motioned for one of their guards to take a copy from Jiraiya and after a quick inspection handed it over to their leader and finally returned to their original spot.

For the next few minutes Tsunade sat patiently as the rest of the group read through the information they were given.

"Tsk, so that bastard made a real monster of a species this time and to have the blood be highly infective and fast acting. What a horrible thing that science has brought upon us." Mei states after finishing the scroll.

"Indeed this is not something that we can leave to fester. These creatures must be eradicated with haste." Mifune states with all of the rest of them nodding.

"As much as I hate the idea we must work together before this problem gets much bigger. I vote we irradicate the sound village that has chosen to create such hell spawn." Onoki growls out.

"I don't know if a complete culling of a minor village is required for this…our focus should be on killing the mastermind and researchers involved over making the whole village suffer." Mei countered.

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