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After leaving the hospital Sakura quickly found her team and told them about the new lead they have. Thanks to this Kakashi ordered the team to get ready in a half hour for the search to begin after summoning one of his ninja dogs to smell the rag. Thankfully though all of them never really unpacked anything since they have been here so their rush was easily accomplished and soon enough, they all stood by one of the village gates waiting for Temari to show up.

"Hey guys sorry about the wait." Temari called out to them as she ran to the group actually only a minute or two later than when they showed up.

"Maamaa it's fine Temari-san" Kakashi tells her waving off her apology. They all then turned towards the gate.

"Oy, you little brats aren't planning to leave without me are you?" They heard a voice call out to them that made Temari's eyes widen.
"L-l-lady Chiyo! You want to come with us?" Temari asked stunned. For as long as she has known the elders never even attempted to join any missions for the village before. She didn't even know if the old woman's body was up for a journey or not.

"No not want. I AM going with you brats. Someone has to make sure that this goes well and I refuse to trust foreign ninja alone with this matter." She tells Temari looking over the Konoha ninja.

"Oy, we want to save Gaara just as much as you do!" Naruto began telling her only for Kakashi to grab his attention.

"Just let it go Naruto-san. She is from an era where even allay ninja villages couldn't fully trust each other." Kakashi explains truly not wanting to get into the details. Thankfully though Naruto accepted this and didn't go any further with his complaints.

"Ok then if you are coming with us, I trust you are already prepared?" Kakashi asks getting a nod from the old women. "Well then let's get started." Kakashi mutters summoning Pakkun. Though yet again just before they could leave; they were stopped though this time by a loud sound coming at them at a very fast pace.

"OOOOyyyyyy" the green blur called out to them and finally came to a stop just in front of them. Soon after yet another green blur showed up and did just the same. "Yosh well done my student we have succeeded!" Gai yells happily after they noticed he was the first blur.

"Yes sensei!" Lee answers happily making them realize he was the second blur that appeared.

"Bushy brows?...why are you guys here?" Naruto asks confused only to get both of their 'good guy' poses with their thumbs up.

"Tsunade-sama sent us as back up for you in the journey to help defeat the Akatsuki." Guy tells them happily. "Don't worry with the Mighty Team Guy on your side you can't lose!" he tells them proudly.

"…then where is the rest of the team?" Sakura asks them making both of the green beasts look behind themselves noticing the lack of their other two teammates.

"Guy sensei! We forgot our precious comrades!" Lee calls out shocked with tears forming in his eyes. "For this mistake I will run one thousand laps around Suna on my hands." He tells the group.

"Yosh! I will join you my student and do one thousand one handed push-ups" Gai added.




"Shut up both of you!" Tenten called out slamming her fists into the back of both their heads. An action that made both their heads cause indents in the ground. The group then noticed that Neji was also now standing behind their teammates clearly a bit annoyed. "Anyways we are here to help." Tenten tells the group with a smile making them sweat drop at the fact that she simply stepped over her twitching teammates while acting like it never happened.

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