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~Allied Forces base~

"Kage council we have stopped receiving reports from several of our bases in the front lines. Though it is assumed that they have been taken over with a few other reports stating to have defended from a sudden large squadron." A woman reported will handing the reports over to the kage they were closest to.

"Hmm it seem that the enemy has finally started to organize itself and show more of its stronger cards." Mifune states looking through the report when it was handed to him.

"Indeed. It seems that after pushing them into a corner they might be using all of their remaining trump cards to try and turn the tide." Gaara agrees calmly.

"Feh a useless attempt. We just need to push through their final defense once and for all." A states proudly.

"We must still tread carefully. Even a cornered rat can cause some damage. So don't get too hasty now before we get the full picture of what we are dealing with." Onoki answers.

"Still…this war has been going on for too long if we have a chance to end it we shouldn't just pass the chance up. Our villages need us." Mei adds thinking of all the projects she had set up in the water village.

"Indeed…but that bastard always seems to have something hidden in his sleeve." Tsunade grumbles. "Still we can't just sit back and watch as all of our progress is lots." After this they all tried to push various plans but eventually a plan of action they all could agree on was born and agreed upon.

"Now that the useless chatter is done let's go get that bastard!" A growls out.

"Yes the time will be coming soon but first we must let our troops finish their missions." Gaara tells him with a quick nod. After all they were all hoping to finish this war once and for all.

~Hours later; around recaptured bases~

A small army of allied force ninja and samurai hid a ways away from the base that got raided listening to their commander give instructions before they started the battle. This didn't take long and soon enough the entire force enacted the plan.

The entire group quickly split apart into several smaller groups and attacked several spots of the base at the same time causing mass chaos. Each group entered through various already damaged holes in the defenses fully ready for a hard fought battle. But what they fond instead was that most of the enemies in the base were caught almost completely off guard and were taken care of almost instantly leaving only the leader who was tied up and now sitting fearfully in front of the commander.

"Why the hell did we even lose the base to these idiots? I mean there wasn't even anyone to worry about…did we really put weaklings this far in front of our forces?" One of the captains grumbled annoyed. For the battle they all were worrying about turned into little more than a slaughter.

"Be silent…something doesn't add up here!" their commander ordered and then looked at the scared man in front of him. "You better talk or you won't like what happens next got it?" The commander states spinning a kunai on one finger. Something the horrified man nods repeatedly to. "Good…now spill what your leader is up to…there is no way in hell you would take back over a base only to fill it with incompetent idiots like this for no reason." The commander states simply.

"I-I don't know. S-some guy just came to my group and paid us to guard this base. Honestly we expected them to just not have the forces to fully guard this place but instead they just moved on after giving us money without saying anything. I promise we….I have nothing to do with whatever is going on here!" the man states terrified.

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