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=Sound Village Throne Room=

"Lord Orochimaru-sama we have confirmed the fact that all of the kages from the major villages have congregated at point alpha on the map along with a few more minor villages." A ninja told Orochimaru pointing at a map of the area that he had hung up on a board.

"Hmm so none of them heeded my warning then…I will have to show them that it was a mistake to do so." Orochimaru muttered.

"M-my lord this is incredibly serious there are thousands of ninja within a few days travel from out village! We might have more estimated troops but that is only because a decent portion of them are those mindless Daku. We need to immediately attack them with the Daku and hope that the cannon fodder level troops can take out a decent amount of the enemy before we actually have them knocking at our front door!" the ninja told Orchimaru clearly stressed. After all in his mind one medium sized village stood no chance against five major villages plus whatever other troops came to support them. Course hearing this made Orochimaru scowl and look down at the nervous man.

"Did I ask you for your opinion? You and your group were to just gather information and nothing else." Orchimaru told the man who flinched back at the angry voice.

"B-but my lord we are going to suffer even more damage unless we plan ahead! I-I-In fact we may even lose if they all reach the village." The man stated but immediately turned pale when he felt a load of KI focus directly on him.

"You damn fool. Don't you ever assume that I am less than those that dare go against me!" Orochimaru growled out then pointed a finger at the man. From his out raised hand a snake quickly slithered down his arm and launched off the outstretched finger towards the man in front of him.

Said man had a few seconds to respond to the surprise of the animal but sadly wasn't able to react before he found the snake biting directly onto his throat. He then felt the burning sensation of poison quickly flowing through his body even as the snake released its bit after around five seconds letting blood flow from the bite mark rather quickly for such small holes.

"W-why?" the man muttered as he fell to the ground. For the snake that bit him was one that Orochimaru was happily bred and mutated to have extremely potent poison. A poison that as it showed acted as a blood thinner while also providing rapid paralysis meaning certain death without proper treatment from an experiences medical ninja.

The sight of the paralyzed man swimming in his own blood in a KI filled room was what Kabuto walked into when he finally entered the room.

"Orochimaru-sama I wish that you would dispose of your toys properly when you are done with them." Kabuto states paying only enough attention to the body to avoid stepping in the mess. "But as you have wished we have sent out several groups of low level daku and expendable controllers to try and infect and take out as many opponents as they can." Kabuto informed him which made Orochimaru's scowl turn into a smirk.

"Excellent let's hope those fools lose a good portion of their frontline troops even if we can't collect all of the created creatures." Orochimaru tells him going back to relaxing in his throne.

AN: if it isn't obvious already Orochimaru will have a god complex in this story that leads to him doing things his normal analytical mind would never do. Which he honestly does have a bit in the real story but I have just grown it further.

~Allied Ninja main base~

After the meeting with the kages the base camp was set up to be functional as fast as they could. It would take several days for the base to actually get as good as they wished it to be but the basics were able to be set up after a few hours of hard work from all parties involved. Now in a rotation was set with the army portioned into three to have one group continue building the base, one resting, and one keeping guard.

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